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The Brotherhood of Blood Donors of Zamoraon the occasion of the celebration of International Youth Day, decided to give away movie tickets to the young people who made donations during the entire day on Monday in The NavyWith this campaign they hoped to “give young people one more reason to donate on a special day for them,” according to the organization’s own members.

Donation bus in Zamora city. / Ana Burrieza (Archive)

On the other hand, young people have given a quite positive response to the campaigns carried out by this institution. The data reveal that, only in the province of Zamora, a total of 1,000 people have been 121 new donors of the 302 attempts recorded in various educational centers in the region, which reflects the altruistic intention of the young people of Zamora.

In the words of the Brotherhood, the campaigns that are most successful among this public are those in which there is a approach by the organization. It is not surprising that the most receptive among those under 30 are those in which the donation bus approaches educational centers to carry out blood collections.

As for the most common ages among young donors, the Brotherhood’s data shows that the most altruists In the province are those of 18 years oldwith a total of 42, followed by those of 20, with 35 donors. The Brotherhood emphasizes that the important thing is not the total number of donors, but the positive response they receive for the active participation.

Los secondary education centres in Zamora The cities that have collaborated in this type of activities were IES La Vaguada, IES Universidad Laboral, and the Claudio Moyano, María de Molina and Alfonso IX institutes.

Los schools and vocational training centres The collaborators are the Santísima Trinidad School, the Integrated Vocational Training Centre of the city of Zamora and the Zamora Nursing School.

As for the educational center that has provided the most new donors to the Brotherhood, the following stands out: Claudio Moyano High Schoolwhere the effectiveness of the donation campaigns has managed to attract the interest of 18 young people.

To obtain more donations from youth, this institution will resume visits to educational centers in September. First, they will visit the educational centers to raise awareness to the young people about the importance of this gesture. Then, they will go with the donation bus to collect blood.

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