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Blood donors are being sought in the Perg district

PERG DISTRICT. You can donate valuable blood and save lives again in April at some locations in the Perg district. Tips has listed the upcoming dates.

In Upper Austria’s hospitals, an average of 200 blood units are required every day. Accidents, operations, births or the treatment of serious illnesses: blood and blood products are the most important emergency medication and cannot be replaced by anything. Those who donate blood can save lives. Corona-related security measures are also top priority. The length of stay at blood donation campaigns is very short – the preparation is processed as quickly as possible and the blood donation itself only takes a few minutes. Hand disinfection is provided for donors, measures such as wearing mouth and nose protection during the blood donation campaign as well as increasing the distance between the collection tables are implemented. And of course you should only keep the blood donation appointment if you feel absolutely fit. Further information is available at 0732 / 777000-262 or by email to [email protected]

  • April 19 and 20: St. Georgen am Walde in the regional music school
  • April 21: All Saints’ Day in elementary school
  • April 22nd and 23rd: Waldhausen at Gasthaus Schauer
  • April 29th and 30th: Perg in the parish hall

The next blood donation appointments are (3:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.):

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