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Blood donations remain free – even gays should be able to donate

Good thing

Blood donations should remain free and gays should also be able to donate without restrictions

Anyone who wants to donate blood in Switzerland would not even have to pay for it in the future. The Federal Council wants to write a corresponding passage into the law. And cut off an old braid.

The Federal Council and the Commission want it to be easier for homosexuals to donate blood.


Men who have had sex with other men in the last 12 months cannot donate blood at this time. It doesn’t matter if it’s a permanent, monogamous partnership. Now the Federal Council also wants to write a ban on discrimination in blood donation into the Medicines Act. It made the decision at its meeting on Friday.

Thus, it follows a draft law that the Social Committee of the National Council drafted on the parliamentary initiative of the former National Councilor Ulrich Giezendanner (SVP/AG). But it was mainly about the free nature of blood donation: the prohibition of discrimination came only later.

No grants

Heterosexual men and women are not allowed to donate blood today if they have “switched sexual partners” or have known their current monogamous sexual partner for less than four months. All of these rules should now also apply to gay and bisexual men. Until 2017, this group of people was generally barred from donating blood. Here the Federal Council is in line with the Commission.

However, there are different opinions on the possibility of financial aid, for example as a last resort to create incentives for donors in the event of a blood shortage. The Federal Council, on the other hand, is of the opinion “that the financing of the blood donation system is a private task and should be carried out through the sale of blood products to cover the costs”. In principle, the cantons are also responsible for health care. However, the Federal Council also wants to enshrine the free nature of blood donations by law. (mg)

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