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Blood donations – Blood supplies are currently in short supply – Latest Allgäu news

The supply of blood products is currently very low. Many donors are on vacation. But the Bavarian Red Cross has also registered a general problem.

The fact that the baby boomer generation is reaching a certain age is noticeable in some areas of society, for example in the form of a shortage of skilled workers. This is even the case when it comes to blood donations. This generation has so far been the one who donates most blood, says Patric Nohe, spokesman for the blood donation service of the Bavarian Red Cross (BRK). Although there is no longer an upper age limit for blood donation, it must be expected that more and more members of this generation will gradually no longer be considered as donors in the coming years. For example, if someone becomes ill due to their age and has to take certain medication.

Blood donations in Bavaria: According to BRK, reserves are almost exhausted

Now is a time when donations are urgently needed, says Nohe. The reserves are almost used up. In order to be prepared for major disasters, for example, the buffer must be filled again. “Everything that comes in is almost completely gone out again.” In the summer, many people travel, and leisure activities are strong competition for blood donations.

But even when people are back home, not everyone can go and donate straight away. For example, if you have travelled to an area where there is malaria, you will not be allowed to donate your blood for some time.

(Read also: Blood donors from East Allgäu receive award in Augsburg)

The Clinics Ostallgäu-Kaufbeuren require 600 liters of blood per year, as they say when asked. However, the experts do not express it in this unit, but in erythrocyte concentrates. Erythrocytes are red blood cells. Each concentrate contains 300 milliliters of blood. The Ostallgäu-Kaufbeuren clinics require 2000 of these per year – i.e. the 600 liters of blood mentioned above. Around half a liter is taken from each person per donation. So 1200 donations are needed per year for these hospitals alone.

Blood reserves: This is the situation at the Allgäu hospital group

“Access to blood supplies is significantly limited and there are severe shortages, especially of the blood types that can be used universally in emergencies. Time and again, hospitals fall below the limit of the target blood stocks.” This is what Christian Wucherer, press spokesman for the Allgäu hospital group, says. So far, operations have only very rarely had to be cancelled or postponed due to a lack of blood supplies. “Patient care has not been affected so far.” This is because the hospitals in the Allgäu hospital group help each other out when there are shortages. Nevertheless, the hospitals check their stocks every day, especially before an operation begins. Due to the tense situation, access to blood supplies is currently limited. This “represents an increasing problem.”

Memmingen Hospital can only maintain blood stocks “with great difficulty”

The Memmingen Clinic buys blood in sufficient quantities “to be able to cover emergencies,” says Thomas Sutter, senior physician in anesthesiology and intensive care medicine and responsible for transfusions. “However, we can only maintain this routine stock with great effort. We have already experienced situations where we ordered 20 blood units, but only one could be delivered.” In extreme situations, requests have also been made nationwide. The clinic tries to save blood, for example by using blood-saving surgical techniques. Through such “measures, we have been able to reduce the consumption of blood units by more than 30 percent in the last 15 years.”

(Read also: “Because blood cannot be produced artificially”: This is how blood donation works in the Allgäu)

On the one hand, Patric Nohe from the blood donation service is concerned. For every person from the baby boomer generation who can no longer or is no longer allowed to donate, several younger donors are needed. This is because older women and men donate more often than younger ones. On the other hand, however, Nohe is also confident. Because the younger generations are also getting involved. He saw this during the corona pandemic: there were a huge number of such first-time donors. “That was very impressive.” They now have to be won over as regular donors. In addition, more younger donors have to be won over. Only five percent of all those who could donate blood in Bavaria actually did so.

Anyone who wants to donate blood should heed this request from the BRK

But it is not only important now to replenish reserves. Since blood reserves only last for 42 days, a permanent supply is necessary. Nohe therefore has a request: Anyone who wants to make an appointment to donate blood online, for example, and sees that the next appointment is already full, should not be discouraged and arrange something for another day. Even if it is four weeks later.

Make appointments: www.blutspendedienst.com – under “Reserve an appointment”.
Or call the toll-free number 0800/1194911.

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