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blood donation | The Perreux-sur-Marne

By offering 1 hour of their time to others, including only ten minutes for the collection stage, blood donors are making an essential and generous gesture, a gift that will help save 3 lives!

Sunday February 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Salle Charles De Gaulle (75, avenue Ledru Rollin)

1,700 blood donations are needed every day in Ile-de-France to meet the needs of patients. Some suffer from a blood disease (sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, leukemia, etc.), an immune system disease, or even cancer, requiring regular blood transfusions or medicines derived from blood. Others have a more punctual but vital need (haemorrhages during childbirth, a surgical operation, victims of accidents,…).

The challenge of meeting the needs of all patients remains a daily challenge. The level of collection from blood collections must be regular and constant to ensure self-sufficiency because the shelf life of blood products is limited: 7 days for platelets, 42 days for red blood cells.

In order to give them the best possible reception, donors are invited to make an appointment and check their donation eligibility before traveling.

Go to the dondesang.efs.sante.fr website or to the “Don de sang” app.

Donors are asked not to come accompanied by a person who does not donate blood, to wear the mask that will be given to them at the reception, to respect the rules of distance between donors and to respect barrier gestures.

If their appointment for the collection ends after 8 p.m., donors are invited to complete the exceptional travel certificate (box “help for vulnerable people”).

To find out where to donate, visit dondesang.efs.sante.fr Or on the Blood Donation app.

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