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Blood donation: the alarm cry of the EFS

The reserve level is “historically low”. The French Blood Establishment (EFS) alerts, for the second time in its history, with a “vital emergency bulletin”. In question, a level of blood reserves in France far too low to meet the demands of the summer. “A critical situation on the eve of departures on vacation, which could prove dangerous in the short term to treat patients”, warns the EFS.

If the levels do not recover in the very short term, the French Blood Establishment will then be unable to “supply hospitals and clinics with blood products during the summer to treat the sick”. Specifically, the EFS “must absolutely regain a stock level of 110,000 blood bags by mid-July. Currently, the stock is less than 90,000 pockets de sang.

“All donors will be welcomed”

To resolve the situation, the EFS then asks “all citizens to mobilize massively in the next 10 days by making an appointment to donate blood”. And to add that “given the critical situation, all donors will be welcomed”.

If you wish to donate your blood, there are certain contraindications to guarantee your safety and that of the recipients. Indeed, it is not possible to donate if you have had an infection or fever (more than 38°) in the last two weeks, if your tattoo or piercing was done less than 4 months ago. . In addition, the donation must be postponed if you have had sex with different partners in the last 4 months and if you have had dental treatment or surgery. Regarding dental care, the time varies depending on the care. If it is 24 hours after caries treatment, it jumps to seven days after tooth extraction or root treatment. Also find out if you have traveled in the past year as some countries are not compatible with the donation.

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