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Blood donation: THANKS! – Sarreguemines.fr

Tuesday August 10 at the Town Hall of Sarreguemines, you were 112 to come and donate blood, including 8 for the 1st time! THANK YOU !

Did you know ?

3 is the number of lives saved thanks to your donation. And yes… when you donate blood, all the blood components are taken at the same time: red blood cells, plasma and platelets. The patient, on the other hand, never receives the whole of the bag taken during the donation, but only the components that are necessary for him.
Thanks to you and your generosity, the EFS transforms your donations into lives every day.

It is very important to donate blood regularly because blood products have a limited shelf life:

  • Platelets: 7 days
  • Red blood cells: 42 days
  • Plasma: 1 to 3 years
  • Other types of donation: It is also possible to donate only your plasma or platelets thanks to donation by apheresis. This technique, essential to meet needs, makes it possible to collect a single blood component: plasma or platelets, in larger quantities than during a traditional blood donation. These donations are made only in donation houses and by appointment.

10 000 donations needed every day
dont 1 500 in the Grand Est
1 000 000 patients treated each year

Do you want to save lives again?

To preserve your health, you must wait at least 8 weeks between 2 blood donations.
Women can donate up to 4 times a year and men 6 times a year.

Prepare your next donation on https://dondesang.efs.sante.fr/ :
1. Take the test: can I donate blood?
2. Find your donation location
3. Make an appointment

Key words-
# dondusang # thank you # saved lives # health

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