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Blood donation service OWL and DRK call for blood donations in lockdown

Even if public life is largely at a standstill at the moment – blood donations are still possible. The University Blood Donation Service OWL at the Heart and Diabetes Center in Bad Oeynhausen and the German Red Cross here also urgently appeal to people to do so despite the pandemic.

The supply of patients with donated blood must continue to be guaranteed, said a spokesman for the German Red Cross. Blood preparations are indispensable in therapy and emergency care and some blood components can only be kept for a few days. That is why the Deputy Director of the HDZ, Professor Cornelius Knabbe, worries about the upcoming holidays. He hopes that many people will come and donate blood beforehand so that there will be enough reserves over Christmas.

The OWL blood donation service needs around 300 to 400 blood units every day. They are not only needed in the heart and diabetes center, but distributed to clinics throughout the region.

Blood donation takes place via appointment reservation: www.blutspende.jetzt

The DRK asks all citizens who would like to donate blood to reserve a personal appointment online in advance.

Blood donation in Corona times
Those who are healthy and fit can donate blood. The DRK blood donation services are monitoring the corona situation very closely and are in close contact with the responsible authorities. The currently valid approval regulations for blood donation continue to guarantee a very high level of protection for blood donors and recipients. It has always been the case: People with flu-like infections or cold symptoms should not even go to a blood donation campaign. You will not be allowed to donate blood. Blood donors are not tested for corona – there is no evidence that the coronavirus can be transmitted through blood and blood products.

Registered donors can come to the Uni.Blutspedendienst to donate without an appointment. First-time donors, on the other hand, are first thoroughly examined and should therefore make an appointment.

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