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Blood donation on Friday February 19 in Flers

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Publié le 11/02/2021


Modified on 02/11/2021

The need for blood products is great. In France, 10,000 donations are needed every day to meet the needs of patients.

The current curfew should not be an obstacle to donating blood. Our fellow citizens are indeed authorized to travel to donate blood after 6 p.m. They must nevertheless have a travel certificate on which they must tick the 3rd box “assistance to vulnerable people”. Moreover, the fact of having been vaccinated against Covid-19 does not constitute a reason for postponing blood donation.

A FLERS – Friday February 19, 2021 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. and from 3:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Make an appointment online.

After 6 p.m. (national curfew), do not forget your travel certificate derogatory, by checking box 3: assistance to vulnerable people.


There is no risk of transmission of Covid 19 by transfusion and all precautionary measures are implemented to avoid the risk of transmission of the virus: wearing a mask compulsory for all, application of the rules of distancing and enhanced hygiene.

  • To donate blood, you must be between 18 and 70 years old, weigh more than 50 kg, have an identity document and be recognized as fit after an interview with a doctor present at the collection point.
  • Maximum number of donations over 12 months: 4 for women and 6 for men.
  • Time between two donations: 8 weeks minimum.
  • Plasma donation is not possible.
  • Snack offered after donation.

More informations https://dondesang.efs.sante.fr/

The EFS needs your donations!

The needs of patients for transfusion remain high, even more so with the resumption of hospital activity. The reserves remain fragile and all blood groups are sought.

Know all the other places to donate

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