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Blood donation: how does it work?

It is a civic and solidarity act that saves lives. During campaigns, the EFS (French Blood Establishment) frequently reminds us that blood donation is important! It should be noted that this vital element is lacking and is precious on a daily basis with increasing needs for fifteen years. No more time to waste, find out how donating blood works!

What are the criteria for donating blood?

As a future donor, you must meet certain eligibility criteria: be over 18 and under 70, weigh more than 50 kg, not be a carrier of chronic diseases and infections, have a healthy lifestyle and excellent health. Finally, you are asked to answer a few questions relating to possible trips abroad, a way to identify if you have not been in contact with a potential virus. Remember that lives depend on your good faith!

How does the first blood donation work?

Getting ready to donate blood: first visit the EFS website, take the online eligibility test to find out if you are suitable to donate blood, find out about collection locations near you and make an appointment. On D-Day, you will have to answer a questionnaire which prepares for the interview prior to the donation: this essential step is carried out by a health professional and it remains confidential! The sample takes less than 10 minutes, your blood is drawn using sterile, single-use equipment. After your donation, do not leave immediately, the EFS provides you with a snack, the opportunity to recover some strength, to exchange with other donors and to appreciate this moment of sharing!

Where does your blood go?

No risk is taken and all the blood collected is analyzed, it is important to detect any abnormalities in each donor. When the test is valid, your blood bag is centrifuged to separate the blood components: red blood cells, plasma, and platelets. These are then sent to the 1,500 health establishments supplied by the French Blood Establishment.

Who can receive blood?

The blood is never transmitted as is to the sick, they receive the elements of your blood according to their needs. For example, your red blood cells will be transfused to patients suffering from bleeding, blood diseases or anemia. Plasma will help people with severe burns, hemophiliacs or immunocompromised people, and platelets will be useful for people with leukemia, lymphoma or undergoing chemotherapy.

Did you know ?

• 6 times for men and 4 times for women, this is the number of blood donations possible in 1 year (platelets can be donated 12 times with 4 week intervals).

• A single blood donation saves three people.

• A bag contains between 420 and 480 ml of blood, this represents approximately 10% of the blood present in the human body (between 4 and 5 liters).

• Group O and AB donors are sought: the former are “universal donors”, while rhesus AB + carriers are “universal recipients”.

If you are apprehensive, be relieved, donating blood is no more painful than a small blood test!

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