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Blood donation by the Transfusion Center

Location: ‘Miguel Ortega’ Municipal Library in Rojales (Zulaida street, 20)

He Transfusion Center of the Valencian Communitydependent on the Generalitat Valenciana, and the Rojales Town Hall They make a call to make a blood donation he Monday, September 16 since the 16.30 to 20.30 hours in the ‘Miguel Ortega’ Municipal Library of Rojales (Zulaida Street, 20).

In order to be able to be giving must be had between 18 and 65 years old, weigh more than 50 kilosand well hydratedduring the 24 hours prior to donation drink more fluids than usual y Do not come on an empty stomachin addition to not suffering from any disease, being well y carry he DAYS.

The sangre with needs a diary to personas of all las ages and with different pathologies: cancer, emergencies, scheduled surgeries, births, among others. In the province of Alicante they follow each other needing 250 units daily.

One has to inculcate to the most youths the importance of donate blood so that they see the gesture of solidarity like something normal and necessary.

The fact that donate blood It is the most generous act what can be done and what less costs. Daily are necessary 250 units of bloodto deal with the demands of the blood banksof each hospital of the province of Alicante.

The blood is not manufactured. And previously there is no donation, There is no transfusion. It’s a simple act y safe for the giving and anyone can leave are solidarity footprint, donating blood.

Las donations of sangre They are one constant need y no hay manner of to manufacture it artificiallyso the donation contributes a save lives.

He ‘stock’ of the province of Alicante es stablehence all blood groups Right now they are necessary.

The sangre it’s a essential good and it is They need 250 donations al day in the province of Alicante to meet surgical interventions, cancer patients, transplantsanemia, complicated births… and you have to maintain the reservations in optimal levels.

The donation it’s a simple act, voluntary e painless what contributes a save livesso it is CALL to the solidarity of all the citizens.

More information: transfusion center website or by phone at 965 16 97 10

Contact: Rojales Town Hall (tel. 966 71 50 01) and Transfusion Centre of the Valencian Community of Alicante (tel. 965 16 97 10)

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