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Blood donation: a citizen act –

We have already heard about blood donation, but for some of us, we have never taken the plunge.

Why give blood ?

If I told you that thanks to blood donors, over a year, 1 million patients are treated. This corresponds to at least helping all the inhabitants of the city of Marseille for example! Donating your blood can help people with cancer, blood disease or who need it during surgery. This is a vital need for these people.

Moreover, we could say to ourselves ”Yes, very good but there are already enough people doing it…“. Unfortunately this is not the problem … It turns out that the life span of blood products is not unlimited, it means that there is a constant need, every day, for new donations of blood. This is where you, as a unique individual, can make a difference. Indeed, since we all have different blood groups (O, A, B, AB) we will have a different compatibility with the blood of the person who will receive your donation. So, as a rule, the person will receive a blood donation from a donor of the same blood type as them (but there are exceptions).

Moreover, to this day, there is nothing that can substitute for human blood, your act is therefore indispensable and precious. Everyone can make a difference on their own to help other people.

To find out if you are eligible for a blood donation, do not hesitate to take the test on this link: here.

5 good reasons to donate blood:

  1. Putting yourself in the shoes of the people in need of these blood donations allows you to realize the power to act that one can have as a human being to help another. A good deed begins with the small ones on a daily basis including the regular blood donation (4 times a year maximum for a woman and 6 for a man, with a delay between donations)
  2. Because your blood type is unique and the blood compatibility different depending on it, we need the participation of each of us to make sure that everyone can benefit from donated blood.
  3. What if one day you were the one in need of a blood donation? Solidarity starts now, blood donation allows us to help each other, so let’s take advantage of it!
  4. You join the community of 2 million people who are already donating blood! Welcome 😉
  5. It’s a great experience: you know that the time you take is of great importance and there are always people to talk to! (whether other donors or staff)!

If you want to know more about donating blood, do not hesitate to visit the official website of theFrench blood establishment.

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