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Blood-Boosting Foods: Increase Red Blood Cells and Fight Anemia


Do you often feel weak and tired due to anemia? Consuming blood-boosting foods might be an alternative to increasing red blood cells in your body.

Reported by the World Health Organization (WHO) website, anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the body is lower than normal.

Hemoglobin is supposed to deliver oxygen throughout the body. But if you have too few red blood cells and not enough hemoglobin, there will be a decrease in the capacity of the blood to carry oxygen to the body’s tissues. And this can cause fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and shortness of breath.



Those of you who have low red blood cells, of course you don’t want to feel symptoms like that all the time right? So, what if you try to consume blood-boosting foods to restore your red blood cell levels?

Quoted from healthline.com, the body can actually produce millions of red blood cells every day by itself.

To make these red blood cells, your body needs a number of nutrients that can be obtained from certain foods. Therefore, you can start consuming foods that can help increase the number of red blood cells in the body.

Foods that can support the production of red blood cells contain nutrients, such as iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, the mineral copper, as well as vitamin A.

Then, what blood-boosting foods can be consumed as daily nutrition? Find out the information in the description below, yes, detikers.

Red Blood Enhancer Foods

So that the body can form red blood cells, you can try consuming a row of foods that contain the following nutrients:

1. Foods Rich in Iron

Foods that are sources of iron include:

Lean red beef Fish Nuts Raisins and dates Tofu Broccoli.

2. Foods Contain Folic Acid

Foods rich in folic acid, such as:


3. Foods Rich in Vitamin B12

Foods that contain vitamin B12, namely:

4. Foods Containing Copper

Foods that are high in the nutrient mineral copper (copper), such as:

Liver and Offal Whole GrainChocolateNutsGrains.

5. Foods Rich in Vitamin A

Foods that contain vitamin A include:

Green leafy vegetables Orange and yellow vegetables Red and yellow fruits Liver Milk Fish Eggs.

In addition to a number of foods above, a healthy lifestyle can also help you increase red blood cells, by avoiding alcoholic beverages and not smoking.

That’s a list of blood-boosting foods that you can consume. Hopefully the red blood cells in the body can increase so that we don’t get weak and tired easily, detikers.

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2023-08-19 01:00:00
#Rows #Blood #Enhancing #Foods #Prevent #Anemia

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