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Bloating Stomach Medicine with Powerful Natural Herbs

Choice of natural herbal remedies for flatulence. Photo: Ist/Net

There are many types of flatulence medicine. Both from pharmacies and from types of herbs. Using herbal remedies can be a natural choice that is safe and no less effective. There are several types of herbal ingredients that we can use.

Flatulence in medical terms is known as flatus. Quoting from Wikipedia, this is a condition of the presence of gas in the stomach. This is what causes the stomach to feel full or tight.

Our society knows this disorder with the term begah. Circumstances like this make a person uncomfortable when doing activities.

A number of references to flatulence mention that this condition is the effect of colds. Most sufferers of flatulence experience it due to stress due to busyness, eating habits, and weather conditions.

Abdominal bloating that is not accompanied by other diseases will usually subside easily by itself. Patients will be able to expel gas in the digestive tract, either in the form of farting through the anus or belching from the esophagus.

Types of Herbal Medicines for Natural Bloated Stomach Effective

The natural way to deal with flatulence is with herbal remedies. If taking traditional medicine, people with flatulence are advised to rest in a warm environment, and the right side position for healing methods.

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There are several types of natural remedies to treat flatulence that are easy and effective. Here is a selection of natural flatulence remedies that you can try.

Drink Orange Juice

Citrus fruits do play an important role in overcoming the problem of colds. The reason is, this fruit contains vitamin C which is useful for boosting immunity. And treat flatulence.

Fresh squeezed oranges will help and are useful for increasing acidity in the stomach and improving digestion. However consume orange juice before meals and not combined with most meals.

Consumption of Ginger

Another option for bloating is to drink ginger. Ginger is a type of spice that contains active ingredients, gingerol and shogaol which are useful for dealing with inflammation in the intestines.

Only by consuming ginger boiled water, allows the accumulation of gas in the small intestine to immediately subside, and recover from flatulence problems.

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In addition, ginger is also useful for warming the body. This function will be able to remove sweat so that the stomach becomes more comfortable.

Chamomile Tea

Another herbal remedy for flatulence is chamomile tea. This type of flower plant contains anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic substances that are useful for making the organs in the stomach comfortable.

Therefore, if you are experiencing flatulence, be sure to brew a cup of chamomile flower tea. Then it can be added with a tablespoon of honey, so it is useful to relieve flatulence problems.

This herbal plant is a natural remedy to treat flatulence which is quite popular. Another use is dealing with stress-related problems.

Papaya Leaf Herb

Papaya leaves can also be a powerful remedy for flatulence. Although it has a bitter taste, this popular vegetable is useful for treating flatulence due to colds.

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To use it, you can process it like fresh vegetables as a side dish. You can also boil papaya leaves, and then drink the boiled water while it is still warm.

However, if you are not strong with the bitter taste of the papaya leaf concoction, you can add a little honey and consume it immediately. Do this method regularly until the flatulence heals.

Red onion

Next is the onion which will help you in treating the problem of flatulence. The method is quite easy, you have to prepare enough grated onion.

After that, mix the grated onion into the telon oil or eucalyptus oil. Only then can you put the potion around the navel as an external medicine so that the stomach feels relieved.

Well, those are some natural flatulence remedies that you can use. How to deal with stomach disorders with herbs is quite easy and cheap. However, if the condition does not improve immediately consult a doctor. (R11/HR-Online)

Publisher: Eva

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