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Bloated Salaries of Pre-University Teachers and Union Leaders Revealed: Profiting while Teachers Struggle

Pre-university teachers took to the streets earlier this summer for salary increases. After three weeks of strike and two large protest marches in the Capital, the teachers obtained higher salaries from June 1, 2023, by approximately 25%.

While tens of thousands of teachers complain about the low salaries they receive, Marius Nistor, their union leader, has nothing to complain about. His net income was around 22,000 lei per month (263,470 lei per year), after 21,000 in 2021, and 13,000 lei in 2020. Last year, from the six sources of income, Marius Nistor managed to collect nine times more monthly than a beginning teacher, given that his net salary was 2,424 net (4,098 lei gross). Only after the recent protests did the debutante teachers reach a gross salary of 5,000 lei.

Marius Nistor’s involvement in the trade union movement ensures a living well above the standard afforded by those he represents. The fight for social justice turned professor Liviu Nistor into one of the richest trade unionists in Romania. However, with a monthly income that is equivalent to around 4,500 euros, he is surpassed by his union boss, Leonard Bărăscu, the president of CNSLR-Frătia, who last year managed to collect over 13,000 euros per month.

Let the money flow

Marius Nistor is the president of the Federation of Trade Unions in Education “Spiru Haret”, a position that ensured him an income of 84,485 lei last year (78,288 lei in 2021). In parallel, he also held the position of president of the Education Employees’ Union, from where he collected 72,000 lei (as in 2021). In addition to these functions, he was also the vice-president of the trade union confederation CNSLR-Frătia, from where he received a remuneration of 12,000 lei (same as in 2021). He also took the time to work in the Economic and Social Council, from where he received an annual income of 30,021 lei (30,600 in 2021) and to keep his position as a teacher at the Nicolae Iorga High School in Bucharest. His salary as a teacher was 50,564 lei (48,000 lei in 2021), although he did not teach in the classroom. He benefits, like many other education union leaders, from an order of the Minister of Education, by which they are exempted from the exercise of the didactic rule, but continue to receive the teacher’s salary. Last but not least, Liviu Nistor collected 14,400 lei last year in the form of intellectual property rights, the amount being identical to the one collected the year before.

Houses, Donations and Debts

According to his wealth declaration for 2022, he owns a villa of 232 square meters in Ciorogârla, but also a holiday home of 189 square meters in Horezu, Vâlcea county. Also last year he donated an apartment, with a declared value of 70,560 euros, as well as an inner-city land. On the other hand, Liviu Nistor also has significant debts. Last year alone, he contracted a loan of 33,600 lei, which means that in the period 2019-2022, the loans contracted by him from various financial institutions and IFNs total about 277,000 lei. These loans mature starting in 2023.

And Nistor’s deputies have generous incomes

Even Liviu Nistor’s deputies cannot complain that their union benefits are not generously rewarded. For example, the first vice-president Ivan Nicoleta received 70,764 lei last year for the position of executive president of the Galați Pre-University Education Union, and he received another 10,450 lei from the Spiru Haret Federation. In total, the trade union movement brought 81,214 lei to his account, an amount almost equal to that collected by Ivan Nicoleta from the Paul Dimo ​​Technological High School in Galati where he works as a teacher.

Another first vice-president, Partene Valeriu, held this position last year, being also retired. He received 12,000 lei from the Spiru Haret Federation, and his position as a member of the advisory board of the Brăila County Employment Agency brought him 6,844 lei. Also, Partene Valeriu was remunerated with 44,218 lei by the Corneliu Gheorghe Caranica Brăila Education Union, where he was president. The same union also paid him 11,054 lei because he was also employed as a car driver. To all these amounts, which totaled 77,000 lei, was added the pension in the amount of 55,644 lei. Even the general secretary of the Federation, Spiru Haret, cannot say that he is a man with a modest income, like most of the teachers he represents. The position of general secretary brought him 45,000 lei last year, and that of president of the Olt Pre-University Union 93,306 lei. He also collected another 9,000 lei from the Mutual Aid House of the Olt Pre-University Education Union, where he was also president.

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2023-07-23 21:05:00
#eurosmonth #earnings #teacher #Romania

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