Home » today » World » BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Proud boy accused of terrorist organization | Hei Minggui | Socialist Left Party | Norway

BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Proud boy accused of terrorist organization | Hei Minggui | Socialist Left Party | Norway

[New Tang Dynasty News on January 31, 2021, Beijing time]Today’s world is seriously opposed to ideologies, and leftist actions are becoming more and more radical. A few days ago, in the United States for a long time “Hei MingguiBLM) Sports” wasNorwayLeft-wing MPs nominated for 2021Nobel Peace Prizecandidate. The “Proud Boys” organization, which used force against BLM, was threatened by the Canadian government to be listed as a “terrorist organization.”

According to the British “Guardian” (The Guardian) on Friday (January 29),NorwayCongressSocialist Left PartyCongressman Petter Eide stated in a nomination document,Hei MingguiThe movement “has made great achievements in raising global awareness and awareness of racial injustice” and therefore nominated it to compete in 2021Nobel Peace Prize

Ed also claimed in the document that most of the protests organized by Hei Minggui were “peaceful.”

On May 29, 2020, during a protest in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, a man held a “BLM“A placard, a police car is burning next to it. (Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images)

However, according to recent reports by many media, since the day Biden took office as the US president, members of Antifa and Hei Minggui have taken to the streets again and initiated road blockages, besieged police cars, In riots such as the burning of public property, the Democratic Party headquarters in Oregon was also destroyed. Since May last year, BLM protesters have set fires, robbed shops, attacked police and civilians in many cities in the United States, and even established so-called “autonomous territories.” The riots lasted for several months.

On the other hand, the Proud Boys organization, which sworn to defend the U.S. Constitution and protect the personal safety of U.S. citizens, was accused of participating in the attack on Congress after the Congressional incident on January 6, and it may be characterised by the Canadian government. As a “terrorist organization”.

After the 2020 election in the United States, Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau was the first head of state to congratulate “Biden” on his election. “Pride Boy” also has a branch in Canada.

The House of Commons of Canada passed legislation on Monday (January 25) requiring the inclusion of “proud boy” on the list of “terrorist organizations” in Canada. The spokesperson of the Canadian Department of Public Safety (Mary-Liz Power) previously stated that national security and law enforcement agencies are actively monitoring the activities of the group and are committed to collecting information and related evidence of its members.

However, according to the “Proud Boy” website information, the organization is committed to protecting freedom of speech and the Second Amendment to the Constitution. Their other core values, as stated on their website, are fighting drugs and racism, supporting small governments and strong borders.

During the “Stop Stealing” peaceful protests in various places after the US general election on November 3, the “Pride Boys” took the initiative to protect the safety of the scene, especially to protect the protesters from Antifa and BLM militants.

Enrique Tarrio, the leader and co-founder of the American “Proud Boys” organization, wrote in response to media reports on Twitter: “Through @the proudboys, you can see in real time that the media machine is working for the world. The dirty work done by the activists. The media has become the enemy of the people.”

(Comprehensive report by reporter Xiao Jing/Editor in charge: Yun Tao)

The URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/gb/2021/01/30/a103043557.html

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