Home ยป today ยป Technology ยป Blizzard Entertainment servers hit by DDoS attack, highlighting the need for an offline mode

Blizzard Entertainment servers hit by DDoS attack, highlighting the need for an offline mode

Game entanglement with online servers can be a problem. Players of games from Blizzard Entertainment, who didn’t play that much over the weekend, specifically it was Sunday. The company’s servers became the target of a DDoS attack, so Battle.net was less accessible, disconnections often occurred, connection latencies increased significantly, there were problems with logging into the system, and some games were more or less unplayable. This state lasted for about 12 hours.

This issue has revived the push for games to have an offline mode that would not require a connection to the Internet and the company’s servers. The attack ended at 19:18 on Sunday evening, and Blizzard itself confirmed that it was a DDoS attack (a distributed attack that overwhelms the servers with an excessive amount of unnecessary requests to handle the legitimate ones). It is not clear who attacked Blizzard and why.

2023-06-27 11:11:55
#Blizzard #experienced #DDoS #attack #players #problem #Diablo #offline #mode

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