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22.07.2023 00:45, Dmitry Rud
As promised, on weekly broadcast On July 21, developers from Blizzard Entertainment commented on the massive dissatisfaction of the players regarding the changes brought to Diablo IV by the pre-season patch 1.1.0.
Image Source: Blizzard Entertainment
Fans criticized the update for weakening all classes, increasing the difficulty of Hell Rush, reducing experience gain, critical damage, and so on, making the game more “grind” and less fun.
“We know that [ослабление игроков] – this is bad. We know it’s not fun… We… don’t plan on releasing patches like this in the future. We heard you loud and clear”— outright said the head of the community, Adam Fletcher (Adam Fletcher).
The mood on the stream was not the best
At the same time, Blizzard insists, it was necessary to release 1.1.0 – weakened characteristics (for example, critical damage) were much more effective than others – although with some changes the team and “overdid it”.
Descriptions of future updates will begin to be published a few days / weeks before release, so that players have time to express their opinion before the release, and balance changes will occur at predictable periods: for example, before the new season.
Blizzard’s plan for future updates: make the game more fun
On the night of July 21-22, Diablo IV will receive a patch that will increase the density of enemies in nightmare dungeons (CP) and make it easier to pass the level 100 CP, and a major patch 1.1.1 will be released in a couple of weeks. In it, developers, among other things:
increase the survivability of classes (especially the wizard); will enhance the legendary aspects of the barbarian and the wizard; reduce the cost of redistributing cultivation skill points by 40%; add another cache tab; will increase the number of consumable items in one stack (from 20 to 99).
More recent additions include a gem tab (in Season 2), a new endgame activity (also), leaderboards (in Season 3), and slightly higher chance of dropping the rarest unique items.