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Blind Theater in La Plata: the unique experience of being a spectator in the dark


Tickets sold out for the first performance

The cast, happy and proud, enthusiastically report that for the first performance all the seats are sold out in the auditorium. Metro Theater, which has availability for 190 people. “We cannot add more seats, since we work with the sensory, ours is almost to live from the individual and from a very intimate place. It is almost for a small audience and we want the effects in the room to reach everyone equally” , he claimed Martínez.

blind theater is a company that performs all activities in complete darkness. He does theater, dances like tango, at the time he did flamenco, music classes in complete darkness or some activity carried out for a company that requires something specific, either to promote a product or to entertain its customers. In the city, one of the works that he has carried out since his institution is presented.

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The work in La Plata

“A blind voyage” is an extremely attractive proposal that has aroused the curiosity of thousands of spectators who have seen it. “The proposal is something different, different not only at a national level but also in the world, since it comes out of everyday life, from a play common”.

It is directed by Facundo Bogarinwho is the person who is in charge within the company of directing and selecting all the artists and is in charge of all the artistic and theatrical direction.

Your link with the city of La Plata

In 2017 in the capital city of Buenos Aires, the company carried out a casting with people from La Plata to do a work for 2 months. It started with that team in the city and currently the link continues, having been in the city for 6 years.

“In La Plata we always did well, people receive us very well, because most of the people there like art. Whenever we go about 15 days before, tickets are put on sale and it is always full.

History of the Blind Theater

In Capital Federal, blind theateras a company and organization is working from Wednesday to Sunday with different activities: 360 sound. Its headquarters are located in the neighborhood of Palermoon the street Jorge Luis Borges 1974

The Blind Theater technique was born in the 90s by the hand of Ricardo Sued, being Gerard Bentatti y Martin Bondon who decide to face the ambitious project of putting into operation andl Argentine Center for Blind Theater.

In 2008 it was founded blind theateralready as an institution, conforming itself as a solid space.

“In the cast there are blind people, but we are not looking for the morbid”

“In the group there are people with visual disabilities who work. People who are blind and educated generally come to the theater, at the time they asked if there was a vacancy and we also went out looking for people,” Martínez commented when asked about the relationship with people with visual disabilities and inclusion in jobs.

“We do not focus on the viewer seeing that we work with people with visual disabilities, but clearly we are inclusive, in fact, for example, I am a blind person. Beyond all, what we seek is for people to enjoy the art of the darkness, enjoy the show and the content of the show”.

There are many forms of theatrical expression, shadow theater, aquatic, aerial, and one of them is the blind theater with observation from the dark. “We don’t play with curiosity, we just want people to enjoy a good time, have a good time, and live everything with surprise for the duration of the show. We are not looking for people to put themselves in the place of the blind, since a priori that is almost impossible, because feelings are particular, and are born in a singular way in each person.

“It is beautiful that people empathize with the rest, because it is part of what is human, but we are not looking for that, we are looking for people to be distracted, live a good moment and live the art of another place coming out of the ordinary. everyday”, he forcefully defined INFOSKY the actor Cesar Martinez.

work sheet

Name: “A Blind Trip”

Direction: Facundo Bogarin

Sala: Metro Theater4th street between 51 and 53, At payment



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