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Blind school enrollment for a new school year that is still not very clear

Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year in the Costa regime culminated yesterday, amid the discomfort of hundreds of parents who, due to computer system failures, were unable to register their children online; and also of the concern of those who did manage to do it, but who until now They do not have the certainty of a return to face-to-face classes on May 7.

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Last Monday Daily EXPRESO consulted the Ministry of Education If you have already defined how the classes will be the next school year, what plans do you have to return to face-to-face, what facilities will there be for students in case virtuality continues and if you know the number of students who left school in the Costa cycle , in the last year. Until the closing of this edition there were no responses.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in the previous school year the school activities ended in a non-face-to-face or virtual way, a modality of studies that brought many inconveniences to students who do not have internet or a computer; and even for those who have them and should have shared them with their siblings and their parents who were teleworking. In the country, only two out of every 10 students own these electronic equipment for personal use.

Despite the problems raised in the process, Margarita Moreno, who lives in the Cristo del Consuelo neighborhood, In the southwest of Guayaquil, she was able to enroll her four-year-old son who is going to Kindergarten 2.

After many attempts and spending several hours in front of the computer, I was able to register my grandson. Now it’s time to know if the classes will be face-to-face or virtual.

Ángel Miranda, student representative

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Last year he didn’t for fear of coronavirus infections that were very high in the city. And although the panorama has not changed much, now he had no alternative but to register it, since otherwise the child could fall behind in his studies.

However, she is concerned because she is still not very clear on the picture of how classes will be conducted next school year. “I do not know if they will be face-to-face or virtual, or what mechanisms will be implemented so that children do not find it difficult to access their studies,” he asks.

I was unable to get a seat in the tax system for my son. The page of the Ministry of Education had problems the days I had to register it. Hopefully May 17 is lucky.

Priscila Escobar, mother of a family

Apparently, the educational authorities have not defined the panorama either, despite having an Institutional Educational Continuity Plan (PICE), which allows analyzing the situation of each campus to guarantee school permanence and progressive use of educational facilities.

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Last October 77 schools in the Sierra were allowed to return to face-to-face education; but Guayaquil remained outside the pilot plan, by order of the cantonal COE that allowed the opening of other sectors and not the educational one.

AssignmentDuring the registration process, the legal representative directly chose the educational institution, when registering the student.

This happens, despite the call of educational experts and international organizations, about the need for the reopening of educational institutions, progressively, voluntarily and safely, as soon as possible.

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Until yesterday, more than 60,000 parents in Zone 8 (Guayaquil, Durán and Samborondón) blindly enrolled their children, in an effort not to leave them out of the educational system, because they do not want them to be part of the UNICEF statistics that indicate that more than 90,000 students -of 4.4 million in the country- dropped out of school in times of pandemic.

However, Carmen Rosales, who lives in Bastion Popular, could not do it. She had trouble accessing the Education website which was crashed; And when he called the numbers assigned by districts for this task, they did not answer him either.

Rosales he wants a tuition for his seven-year-old daughter who is going to third grade. “Until last year I had her in a private school in the area, where she paid $ 50 every month; but I can no longer afford that expense, especially if I still don’t know what the classes will be like ”, he explains.

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From the Undersecretary of Education recognized that there were problems intermittency and connectivity of the provider. However, they blamed the inconvenience on parents who did not make the records on the days corresponding to the levels and ages defined in the schedule prepared by the ministry.

CampusesIn Zone 8 (Guayaquil, Durán and Samborondón) there are 1,560 educational units among prosecutors, individuals, fiscal commissions and municipalities.

“Operators were only available from 08:00 to 16:00 and many parents made the call outside these hours ”, they indicated to the consultation carried out by EXPRESO, facing these problems.

Those who could not carry out the procedure were informed that Extraordinary enrollments will be enabled from May 17 to 15 days before the end of the first five-month period of the new school year.

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But a María Carrión this ad does not satisfy her, since that day is planned for after the start of classes. “Until then, what will my son do if he is not yet enrolled? Will he miss those 10 days of classes, assuming that he is able to enroll him on the same day?” Asks the mother who is looking for a place in the tax system for her son that goes to second basic. The boy studied in a private school.

For now the school calendar establishes the start of classes for the Coast on May 7Although the authorities have reiterated that the date will be evaluated according to the epidemiological situation of the country by COVID-19, which until yesterday had 342,678 confirmed cases.

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