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Bleeding Sperm, What Causes It? Check Here


Seeing blood in the sperm certainly makes some men feel worried. Conditions like this can indicate a number of medical problems that may be experienced. So, bleeding sperm, what causes it?

Semen consists of sperm and fluids secreted by the prostate and other glands. The fluid joins with the sperm as it passes through a series of urethral tubes for ejaculation. Several things can damage the blood vessels along these pathways or along the path of urine to the urethra. The ruptured vessel then leaks blood into the semen, urine, or both. Blood in semen is called hematospermia or hemospermia.

Often no cause can be found when there is blood in the semen. However, for men aged 40 and over, evaluation and treatment may be necessary. This is especially true for men who experience the same thing over and over again, have bleeding when urinating or ejaculating, and are at risk for cancer, bleeding disorders, or other conditions.

Bleeding Sperm, What Causes It?

In addition to broken blood vessels, here are a number of serious diseases that trigger blood in semen and sperm.

1. Infection and inflammation

This is the most common cause of blood in the sperm. Blood can come from an infection or inflammation in any of the glandular tubes, or ducts that produce and remove semen from the body, namely the prostate, urethra, epididymis and vas deferens, and seminal vesicles.

In addition, infection can also originate from sexually transmitted infections (ISM) such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, or other viral and bacterial infections. Infection and inflammation are the culprits behind nearly four out of every ten cases of blood in the semen.

2. Trauma or medical procedures

Blood in semen usually occurs after a medical procedure. Quoted from WebMd, as many as four out of five men may have temporary blood in their semen after a prostate biopsy.

Procedures performed as a treatment for urinary problems can also cause minor trauma that results in temporary bleeding. However, this usually goes away within a few weeks after the procedure.

In addition, physical trauma to the sex organs after a pelvic fracture, injury to the testicles, excessive sexual activity or masturbation, or other injuries can cause blood in the semen.

3. Clogged

One of the small tubes or ducts in the reproductive tract can become blocked. This can cause blood vessels to burst and release small amounts of blood. This condition is called BPH, which causes the prostate to enlarge and the urethra to narrow.

4. Tumors and polyps

Although blood in semen is not only associated with tumors, it can be associated with cancer of the testicles, bladder, prostate, and other reproductive and urinary tract organs.

Polyps in the reproductive tract, which grow benign and do not cause medical problems, can also cause blood in the semen.

5. Blood vessel problems

All the delicate structures involved in ejaculation, from the prostate to the small ducts that carry sperm contain blood vessels. These can get damaged resulting in blood in the semen.

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