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BLBI Bandit Has Go to the Realm of Baka, Debt Still Pursued!


The Task Force for Handling State Collection Rights for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) continues to pursue obligors/debtors for collection. It is hoped that they will repay the debt that the state gave them in 1997-1998.

Efforts to resolve the BLBI case were not easy because there were several obstacles. Here are 3 facts:

1. Someone Died

The head of the BLBI Task Force, Rionald Silaban, said that there were obligors who were known to have died.

“I don’t remember any obligors who have died. There are several of them who have died,” said Rio, who is also the Director General of State Assets in a virtual chat with DJKN, Friday (10/9/2021).

2. Skipping Calls

The BLBI Task Force has gradually summoned obligors. There were those who came, but not a few also missed the call and were represented by a legal representative. Here’s the list:

Summons on August 26, 2021

– Agus Anwar: Not present, but there has been communication with the Task Force.
Total debt of Rp 104,630,769,050,29 for the PKPS of Bank Pelita Istismarat, guarantor for the settlement of debtors’ obligations of PT Panca Muspan and PT Bumisuri Adilestari.

– Tommy Suharto and Ronny Hendrato: Only Ronny was present, Tommy was represented by a lawyer.
Total debt: Rp 2,612,287,348,912.95 related to the management of PT Timor Putra Nasional.

Summon 7 September 2021

– Kaharudin Ongko: Represented by attorney
Total debt: Rp 8,187,689,404,030.94 related to PKPS National Commercial Bank and PKPS Bank Arya Panduarta.

Summon 9 September 2021

– Kwan Benny Ahadi: Attended via video conference, from the Indonesian Embassy in Singapore.
Total debt : IDR 157,728,072,143.47

– Setiawan Harjono/Hendawan Harjono: Not present
Total debt is IDR 3,579,412,035,913.11.

– Debtor of PT ERA PERSADA: Not present
Total debt is IDR 130,570,056,944.80.

– Ronny HR (PT TPN): Present to meet the call
Total debt : IDR 2,612,287,348,912.95.

3. The government does not back down

Despite the obstacles above, Rio ensured that this would not discourage the government from collecting BLBI funds. His party will pursue this responsibility to the heir or descendants of the obligor/debtor if the person concerned has died.

“This does not close the government’s right to collect on the obligor. We will pursue his heirs or inheritance,” he said.

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