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Blasphemed about Ukraine, Russia Kekeh Wants to Stay ‘Friends’ with the West

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Russia wants to maintain diplomatic relations with Western countries even though hundreds of diplomats have been expelled from Europe impact his aggression on Ukraine.

Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister, Alexander Grushko, said his country would respond to the actions of countries that “unfairly” expelled diplomats from the red bear country.

However, he said Moscow would maintain diplomatic relations with these countries.

“Our position remains the same, we encourage diplomatic lines to remain open,” Grushko told the interfax news agency, as quoted by ReutersWednesday (6/4).

Grushko’s statement came after 11 European countries united to expel a total of about 200 Russian diplomats.

The dozen countries expelled Russian diplomats shortly after Moscow allegedly massacred Ukrainian civilians in cities around Kyiv.

Ukraine reported finding hundreds of bodies strewn across the city’s streets, including in Bucha.

Ukrainian troops were faced with the horror scene after they were able to enter the cities after the Red Bear Country army left.

Grushko said Russia was currently analyzing the decisions of these European countries.

It assesses dozens of countries that “interfere with the work of Russian diplomats” are also interfering with their own interests.

In the interview, Grushko also said Russia has no ties to NATO.

“There is nothing to discuss with NATO,” he was quoted as saying TASS.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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