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blank check for the switch from Aviva to the new Ama group

A point of the utmost importance appeared yesterday on the menu of the traditional general assembly of Afer, behind closed doors because of the health situation. The members who took part in the vote notably adopted a resolution giving the last word to the board of directors of Afer to definitively validate this redemption.

Any transfer of Aviva France will require consultation with Afer. (…) Afer is probably the first customer in the world of Aviva, and achieves more than half of the turnover in France. These words, the president of Afer Grard Bekerman made them in January 2021, when the buyer of Aviva France had not yet been appointed. Since then, the Ama group – a merger of Macif and Asio – has signed the contract for the acquisition of Aviva France. The buyout should be effective by the end of 2021.

The dice are (almost) done … But Afer has what is akin to a right of veto on the identity of the buyer. But Grard Bekerman made it official at the end of May: his preference is Ama, with whom Afer shares an associative affinity. AFER being an association, remained to validate this position by the 760,000 members.

An important resolution was therefore on the menu of the annual general meeting, which was held on Tuesday, June 29, 2021 in Paris, behind closed doors. Issue 6: The General Assembly renews its confidence in the Board of Directors to implement the measures (…) in order to give an opinion on the acquisition of Aviva France by the new insurer partner according to the commitments it will have made in the interest of the members of lAfer . Clear: this resolution amounts to giving a blank check or not to the president and Afer and its board of directors to validate this redemption.

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Result: The 11 resolutions approved by the Board of Directors of Afer were all adopted by a large majority, Afer announced this morning in a press release. Including the famous resolution 6. The board of directors of Afer can now validate this redemption without obstacle. A good story is now on the horizon: our future partner, Ama, is a powerful insurer, eager to move forward with us, while respecting true parity, congratulates Grard Bekerman in the same press release.

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