Home » today » Entertainment » Blake Lively debuts the ‘bubble’ ponytail that Spanish women love

Blake Lively debuts the ‘bubble’ ponytail that Spanish women love

Updos never fail on special occasions and one of the reasons is that, by clearing the face, the rest of the look takes center stage. There are for all tastes and, far from complications, the trends of the moment stand out for beginner-friendly techniques like the viral bun You should not be fooled by the 5 minutes it takes to do it, the result is worthy of the spring season of weddings, baptisms and communions. Pigtails also find their place in formal events and more if they are worn like Blake Lively at his last professional engagement in New York. The unforgettable Serena van der Woodsen from Gossip Girl has shown why she will always be the fashionable girl at the GEM Awards with the hairstyle that has already made the most stylish Spanish women fall in love.


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La coleta ‘bubble’ de Blake Lively

Jennifer Yepez, Blake Lively’s trusted hairdresser, has shared this moment of the gala that celebrates High Jewelry in which it is appreciated the ponytail bubble which seems to be inspired by the Lorraine Schwartz earrings that she has chosen for the occasion. The star did not disappoint at the New York event and, in addition to the designer’s luxurious pieces, She has worn a dress with a deep neckline and strategic openings signed by Sergio Hudson and stilettos by Christian Louboutin, a brand to which he has been faithful for years to step on the red carpet with force. A powerful look that he has worn as he deserves with the “bubble” updo created by Yepez.

The best thing about this hairstyle is that, despite its spectacular finish, the step-by-step to achieve it is very simple and it also adapts to the length of each hair by increasing or decreasing the number of sections: “Make a high ponytail and use Invisible or thin rubber bands, as you prefer, to make the pigtails. The trick for them to gain volume is that the hair is not taut and, once tied, open them more with your hands”explains Rafael Bueno, from Rafael Bueno Peluqueros, on the correct technique to imitate Blake’s look.


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Victoria de Marichalar and her version for super long hair

Before Blake, Victoria de Marichalar dazzled at the Teatro Real with the same hairstyle as the actress but with a different finish. In addition, the aristocrat wears the look in an XL version, for which only “bubbles” are added to the ponytail, while Victoria takes advantage of the strands of his own hair to cover each rubber band, Blake chooses metallic elastics to match the jewelry theme of her gala in New York. The result is just as hypnotic in both cases and such is its popularity that the hairstyle has also fallen in love with Daniela Figo and even Queen Letizia herself.

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Click to see ‘Blake Lively’s Wardrobe’, a format that breaks down in detail the keys to her current style and throughout the years. You can see more on the new video platform HELLO! PLAY, where you will find programs on cooking, fashion, decoration and biographical documentaries of ‘royals’ and ‘celebrities’. Do not miss it!

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