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“Blackbeard’s Horoscope Prediction for April 5th, 2023: How the Celestial Bodies Will Affect Your Sign”

Today’s horoscope April 5, 2023: here’s what Blackbeard predicts and how the positions and movements of the celestial bodies with respect to the Earth will affect all the signs.

Today’s horoscope April 5th

Aries. 21/3-20/4 A full Wednesday on the emotional front. You want to be pampered, but you yourself refuse them, pushing your partner away with unfriendly attitudes. Difficult to maintain balance, under the pull of the Moon in Libra. Married life theater of quarrels and regrets. Tour. 21/4-20/5 Vigorous feelings, live emotions, now deep now a little extreme, will make you feel part of what is happening around you, full of expectations. Spontaneity opens all doors, by tackling problems diplomatically you will find acceptable compromises. Twins. 21/5-21/6 Not even the fact that you’re at work can take your smile away, thanks to the Moon in Libra dispenser of creativity, sweetness and intuition. It’s the perfect time to get busy with your art, change your look and make the right clothing purchases. Cancer. 21/6-22/7 No complaints, if today the partner takes due distance. You are prickly as sea urchins, so much so as to discourage any peace proposal. You have timeliness and tenacity on your side, keep your emotions at bay and the game will be to be played. Leone. 23/7-23/8 Don’t miss a golden opportunity, and with an elegant and timely move, successfully complete business, negotiations and… conquests. Desire for new purchases, creativity, recovery of a relationship that is going through a period of crisis. Virgin. 24/8-22/9 Your business remains the cross and the delight. The sense of duty overcomes the desire for transgression and collaborating with others keeps the head shots at bay. Financial management calls for a firm pulse. No hesitations, risks and risky undertakings. Balance. 23/9 – 22/10 Among your friends you get excellent publicity and you are successful. You have charisma, balance and with your jokes you win a good following of fans. The facade is carefree, but behind brooded ideas of revenge or resentments that make you tense. Scorpio. 23/10 – 22/11 If the dialogue is interrupted due to a misunderstanding with friends and relatives, look for reasonable and advantageous solutions for everyone. Managed with balance, all relationships improve and even routine takes on a pleasant note. Sagittarius. 23/11-21/12 A legal success, an escaped fine, a dispute that is resolved in your favor are enough to make you feel blessed by luck. Not to exclude a meeting with an ex never forgotten and who knows who doesn’t start again… right now. Capricorn. 22/12-20/1 Not everything you have in mind can be put into practice, especially due to the external situation which is not yet well defined. If something or someone has let you down, it’s time to leave the bad memories behind. Get back on track! Acquarium. 21/1 – 19/2 Constructive atmosphere, thanks to the lunar partnership with Pluto which works to keep your certainties together. Short term projects. You are open, creative, communicative, but with a foundation of seriousness that many will like, especially superiors. Pesci. 20/2-20/3 This day with a slow pace is interesting, but which also offers ample food for thought on economic issues of a certain importance. Evaluate financial transactions with a critical eye, but let intuition have the final say

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