Home » today » Entertainment » ‘Black Widow’ actress Florence Pugh bites herself after body shaming over breasts: “You are vulgar”

‘Black Widow’ actress Florence Pugh bites herself after body shaming over breasts: “You are vulgar”

© Instagram | Florence Pugh

Actress Florence Pugh (26) appeared on Friday in a transparent dress at the Valentino fashion show in Rome. Pugh writes on Instagram that she expected a reaction to her outfit, but not that the comments would be so vulgar. In a long post, she addresses the men who body shame her.

The British Florence Pugh, known for the films among other things Black Widow in Little Women, appeared on Friday in a bright pink dress by Valentino at the show of the Italian house. With the creation in tulle she made a “free the nipple” statement, and they never go unnoticed. But this time the comment went from internet trolls too far, says Pugh.

“I was happy to wear the dress, not nervous at all,” the actress wrote. “Not before, not when I wore them and not even now. However, what was interesting to see and experience was how easy it is for men to totally finish a woman’s body, publicly, with pride, and everyone should know. You even do it with your position and professional email address in your bio?”

Pugh talks about the harsh criticism of her body she received on Instagram, including on her own page. “It’s not the first time and certainly won’t be the last time a woman will hear from a lot of strangers what’s wrong with her body. What is concerning is how vulgar some men can be.” According to the actress, many men aggressively let her know how “disappointed” they were about her “small breasts”, or how they felt she should be “ashamed”.

The British said she was at peace with her body and all the so-called flaws that she “could barely look at when she was 14 years old”. She makes it a mission to challenge the ideal body image Hollywood expects of her.

“Why are you so afraid of breasts?” she asks the bodyshamers. “Grow up. Respect people. Respect bodies. Respect all women. Respect people. Then life will be much easier, I promise you. And all because of two cute nipples…” Pugh closes with a fitting hashtag: #fuckingfreethefuckingnipple.

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