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“Black Sheep’s Wastewater Treatment Project Rejected”

The author is part of the Local Journalism Initiative

On March 14, the mayor of Saint-François-Xavier-de-Viger said that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs refused to grant additional financial assistance to pay for the wastewater treatment project.

The municipality created a citizens’ committee to find solutions and was counting heavily on an exemption allowing the retroactive use of money from another government program, that of the gas tax program (TECQ).

However, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs refused the requested exemption, recalling that the subsidy already granted for the project was not compatible with additional government assistance under the rules of the program.

However, this project, since its completion, has led to an explosion of taxes in the village.

However, the Department offered specific support in terms of municipal finances so that the municipality could find sustainable solutions to finance its infrastructures.

The Municipal Information Network finds it unfortunate that the municipality was aware of the conditions at the time of the grant.

Recently, the municipality partly agreed with his arguments by applying the special tax for each door in residential buildings.

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