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Black Sabbath and the ugliness of the scene – Attention Online

Adviser / Nasruddin Al-Saqari


How horrible what I saw, is it not a narration or hearing a story on the tongue of the one who tells it, it is scenes before my eyes, and what a horror I saw, and I wish I had not seen or heard, believe me, dear readers, it is atrocities and you run over the bodies of the dead and the skulls of the victims, and the machine of death reaps souls without distinguishing between an enemy. And righteousness does not differentiate between the innocent and the guilty, it only reaps lives relentlessly. This is what my friend, the conqueror Marzouq, who was an eyewitness to that black day, told me.


They advised him, whoever was with them, not to leave, because death surrounded the place, and smoke covered the sky, the sound of cannons, the rumble of machine guns, the bombing of armored vehicles, and the roar of death planes filling the air. Behind every wall there is a mass of dead people, and fear possesses me, and I hold on to run and stumble over skulls and bodies, and the road is empty of cars. I clothed them with wealth, until I reached a mosque near my house and took refuge in it until I reached my home as if I had been resurrected after death, so my family and children welcomed me with hugs and tears of joy at my return and the ugliness of what I saw did not leave my mind and imagination.


Believe me, dear readers, this is the scene of Black Sabbath, for we used to call it the Green Sabbath as we found our fathers calling it that. Is there a way out of this dark tunnel? Who benefits from this continuous bleeding?? Has everyone lost their senses?? On whose shoulders are these lost lives and scattered bodies located? And the property that was looted, the homes that were destroyed, and the families that were displaced?? And the children who became orphans and the wives who became widows and the bereaved who were bereaved?? Upon whom and how will God meet, and what will God say when he asks Him??

Is it for the power chair?? Or for prestige? Or for stubbornness and head riding?? God suffices us and we are the agent

There is no power nor strength from God


Behold, the death continues and the destruction continues, and the army leadership continues in what it deems correct and finds support from those who believe that the departure of the armed militias, especially the Rapid Support Forces, is a way out of a real threat. The real thing is Sudan and the human being of Sudan, where all the means of life, food, drink, medicine and safety, have disappeared, so what is left for you two generals to fight for to rule it,?? Ruins or ruins?? Are you seeking power over the skulls of the innocent?? Will you be pleased with the ruling and all these lives are hanging on your shoulders?? And what will you say to God when you meet Him on the Day when neither money nor sons will benefit you??

We belong to Allah and ton we shall return

May Allah’s blessings be upon the beloved Mustafa

2023-04-27 18:33:05

#Black #Sabbath #ugliness #scene #Attention #Online

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