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Black moon emoji: its dark and disturbing meaning

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The emojis The emoticons, have become a fun way to communicate through applications or social networks; their importance is so great that they even have their own day to celebrate: just today, July 17th. However, not all of these symbols turn out to be nice and we have been using them incorrectly, among them the one of the black moon.

While there is emojis of luna normal in several of its stages, this of the dark Moon It is somewhat strange, from the color and the face that it has, with brown eyes and turning towards a specific place.

Well, it turns out that according to the site Urban Dictionary, The use of this emoticon is to make invitations or sexual connotations through talks.

In addition to this example, there are other versions of various forums, sites or users that also claim It is widely used to touch mysterious subjects or relate rare or difficult-to-explain situations.

Despite this, the first example is the one that has exploded on social networks in recent hours, there are even several jokes and memes about the disturbed meaning of the black moon in emojis.

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