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Black Lives Matter: the mayor of New York paints the slogan in front of the Trump Tower

Since the death of George Floyd, six weeks ago, the slogan “Black Lives Matter” resonates throughout the world, but especially across the Atlantic. Thursday July 9, these three words which mean in French “Black lives count”, were painted in giant letters on the prestigious 5e Avenue in New York. A nice snub to Donald Trump – accused of despising this movement – since this slogan was affixed just in front of the famous Trump Tower. The main residence of the former mogul until his inauguration in January 2017. A committed initiative that we owe to the Democratic mayor, Bill de Blasio, fervent opponent of the current President of the United States. At the end of the marking, the elected New Yorker came to add a few brushstrokes in the company of other officials, including the Reverend Al Sharpton, a figure in the fight for racial justice. A strong act as the United States fights, more than ever, for equal rights.

This is not the first time that the words “Black Lives Matter” have been drawn in XXL letters, on the floor. In early June, the Democratic mayor of Washington, Muriel Bowser, had done the same in a street located a few steps from the White House.

Black Live Matter, a symbol of hatred for Donald Trump

1is Last July, Bill de Blasio explained that he wanted Donald Trump to hear “three words for which he has never shown any respect”, reports « France info ». The Republican president then seized his Twitter account in order to answer that the police should “perhaps” not let affix “this symbol of hatred on the biggest street in New York” before concluding with “Spend that money on crime instead!” “. But this Thursday, the police officers present in front of the very high tower did not oppose the symbolic marking which now sits in golden letters on the 5e Avenue.

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