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‘Black Lives Matter’ es un lema mejor que ‘Defund the Police’ – Celebrity Land

Will Smith says the global reckoning with racism that occurred after Death of George Floyd It has been mostly positive, but he thinks he could use a better brand.

“The whole world was locked up, saw what happened to George Floyd, stood up with one voice and said: We see it. We agree, ” Smith told GQ magazine in a profile posted Monday. “That has never happened before and with that the opportunities are like never before.”

Case in point: “Emancipation,” Smith’s next Civil War-era epic for Apple TV. The film, directed by Antoine Fuqua, tells the story of “Peter whipped”, a slave who was the subject of one of the most widespread images of slavery of his time.

“I have been trying to make movies for a long time. And the amount of money Apple is paying to tell the story [of ‘Emancipation’] it’s unprecedented, ”Smith said. “And those opportunities are present all over the world and they are plentiful.”

Still, Smith worries that African-Americans can get more out of this moment.

“I just want to encourage African Americans to take recognition and take advantage of today’s global opportunities,” he told GQ. “I’d just like us to discuss certain things less and pay attention to the big ripe fruit.”

Smith, who has spoken in the past about his own experiences with police racism, said he believes that certain terms, such as “defunding the police” and “critical race theory,” could use different language so that people outside the community understand them better.

“Abolish the police. Withdraw funds from the police. I would love for us to just say, “Take out the bad police.” It’s almost as if he wants us, as African Americans, to change our marketing to the new position we are in. So ‘critical race theory,’ just call it ‘theory of truth,’ “Smith said. “The pendulum swings wonderfully in our direction. And there is a certain humility that will make the most of the moment for the future of African Americans, without ruling out the hardship, pain, and excitement.

This is a difficult area to discuss, but I feel like the simplicity of Black Lives Matter was perfect, ”he said. “Anyone trying to debate Black Lives Matter seems ridiculous. So when I talk about marketing our ideas, Black Lives Matter was perfection. “

In comparison, he argued, “‘Defunding the police’ doesn’t work, no matter how good the ideas are. ”

He added: “I am not saying that we should not underfund the police. What I’m saying is don’t say that, because then the people who would help you won’t. “

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u2018 This Article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: www.celebrity.land u2019

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