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Black Friday: Amazon employees protest in 20 countries

Last year, Italy was called to celebrate Christmas without Amazon

Amazon takes too much and gives too little. It’s time to get Amazon to pay, protesters say.

Employees at the world’s largest online retailer Amazon in 20 countries have gone on strike on Black Friday to demand better working conditions. This was reported the day before by the edition Business Insider.

The protests are part of the Make Amazon Pay initiative in coalition with 70 international trade unions and organizations. Among them are Greenpeace, Oxfam and Amazon Workers International.

Workers from “refineries, factories, warehouses, data centers and corporate offices” are expected to take part in the protests today.

“The pandemic has shown how Amazon puts profit ahead of workers, society and the planet … Amazon takes too much and gives too little. It’s time to make Amazon pay,” the protesters said in a statement.

The protests come amid growing employee disagreement with working conditions, in particular due to long working hours, low wages and complex performance measurement systems.

Demands on Amazon include higher wages, better job security, and “the suspension of the tight productivity and monitoring regime that Amazon used to put pressure on workers.”

Amazon said it is already investing “heavily” in several categories announced by the protesters. Among them, for example, climatic requirements.

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