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Black box at the admissions office? Dismiss employees | NDR.de – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: December 22nd, 2021 7:50 p.m.

Five weeks ago, the Holzminden district kicked out all employees of the admissions office. The reason: an allegedly black cash register. This causes great resentment among those affected.

According to the public prosecutor’s office, the damage amount is less than 1,000 euros. Specifically, it is about old license plates that have been handed in to the registration office and apparently been sold by employees at scrap dealers over the years. The money then went to the cash register for Christmas parties, according to the employees. They had been doing it since 1974, explains one of the dismissed. The order to act in this way had come from former officials. According to the sacked man, there were no instructions on how to dispose of the old signs. The district was not interested in this for decades, he says. Instead, he now leaves the employees out in the rain. He thinks that is unjust and the reaction is completely exaggerated.

Citizens have to go to the neighboring district

His lawyer Till Koch from Brakel, who represents several victims at the same time, expresses himself similarly. Sparrows are being shot with cannons, he says. The damage, because the registration office is closed, is huge. Citizens also feel this: They cannot register their vehicles, they have to drive to the neighboring districts – and instead of the abbreviation HOL they are currently given NOM, GAN or HX.

“Reprehensible”: Severely disabled dismissed without notice

Attorney Attila Yurttas represents a severely disabled person who was dismissed without notice. The lawyer considers this to be “highly reprehensible”. If you make it clear that the damage will be in the three-digit range, then you can ask yourself whether the district has acted proportionately, according to Yurttas. The amount of the lost revenue of the office is disproportionate to the alleged damage in the three-digit amount, he emphasizes.

District: Employees should have informed the district

The district sees the situation differently: the incidents are a gross breach of duty under labor law that would have left the employer no other choice, said a spokesman for the NDR in Lower Saxony. In response to the fact that there were no service instructions for the procedure with returned number plates, the district says: “It is correct that there were no service instructions because we assumed that customers would take these number plates back with them.” Every employee should have reported the procedure immediately to the district and informed them about it, it said.

Further information

The twelve employees do not return. The district has initiated its own labor law investigations. (25.11.2021) more


The Brunswick Cathedral from above.  © NDR Photo: Julius Matuschik

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