Home » today » Health » Black biting bugs invade Argentina; that’s how they are | VIDEO

Black biting bugs invade Argentina; that’s how they are | VIDEO

Inhabitants of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs, in Argentinahave reported an invasion of “black bugs” itchyn. The situation added to the intense heat that is registered in the country and has caused confusion among the population.

Through social networks, users believed that it was pigeon licehowever, it’s another kind of insect. The bugs “stick to the skin” and cause an “intense itching sensation.”

“Only in my house are there little black bugs that bite you?”lguien Are you feeling the invasion of these little black bugs?”, “are a plague of the apocalypse” and “Today I got bitten by 30 of those weird black bugs”, are some of the comments.

What are the ‘black bugs’?

These are small insects popularly identified as tripswhose scientific name is Caliothrips phaseoli and they usually appear in rural areas every summer.

These insects are from "almost black dark gray color and little more than a millimeter in length. They have a reticulated back of the head and thorax, the forewings have two pale areas that cross them like bands, and the legs are dark with the tips of the tibiae pale,” according to the National Pest Surveillance and Monitoring System of the Argentine government.

The thrips grow in the field, however, the droughts and the heat wave in the region have caused move to the city and Greater Buenos Aires.

Reports indicate sightings in plants, sinks, clothing and even swimming pools, while the discomfort of the inhabitants focuses on the itching they generate.

How are they fought?

It is difficult to detect the ‘black bugs’, due to their size and location in the plants, therefore, it is recommended care in the appearance of blackheads (which are their droppings) on the leaves of the plants, added the National Pest Surveillance and Monitoring System.

Thrips are attracted to the color blue. specialists recommend place blue sticky traps to catch them, which can be done with pieces of plastics and oil.

Several days are necessary to capture the largest number of insects possible, however, it is advisable to check the trap from time to time, according to Clarion.

Other options involve the use of pulverized potassium soap, that is, a natural pesticide for plants.


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