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Black Ant announces a suspension of the show After the NBTC poked the tape, Ann Chakrapong was heavily criticized (clip)

March 1, 2021 18:55—–

From the case Ann Chakrapong Has gone as a guest on the show unfold In which the tape contains Black Ant Kachapa, Bukko Thanachaphan and Not Worarit, which Ann Jakkaphong has brought to speak in the program Became highly controversial. To the point of being a very big deal

Latest on the list News put eggs wayThairath TV Channel 32 black ant Was announced in the middle of the list that Will stop acting as the host of the program unfold 3 days starting from tomorrow night (2 Mar. 64) to show responsibility for the incident. And bow to liability

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Mood said, “From tomorrow, it will not unfold for a minute, the host who made the tapes of Ann Jakkaphong will have a black ants, Bukko has knots, we take responsibility by asking to stop doing the program. But still doing another tape tonight I’ll have to wait and see who will do it instead. “

— <video class="video-js byteark-skin" id="video-491519" poster="https://static.thairath.co.th/media/JqCWbyyCE6api3stqoN6o20ftsRjsncQOvK2YK7wWbA2WGTlOCBNbpHhM0CWOPhNKBBqDm7ZfJKgoLxqSbXfTo1FnYSGmDCcxmval5V6Oraf27b3q3KUElnL5eOhDU3shMtPCoMB94SgGuYhJk3ApqMOinIxsp7GwyolxA6iwYKze0pBmnyRJwEU2oxNyqZvLriwJX2zHYv0YKi.jpg" controls="" playsinline="">video>

Angie then asked In conclusion, the program is not closed? Black Ant immediately responds. Why would you give off the list? Just stop doing it for a while. And asked if Do you have a list to do? Angie said there is. Young Kushai Helps to conclude that Black Ant asked to stop doing the show for 3 days and asked if Are you going to leave the show? If you want to come to do 3 Zap instead, ready for the MC instead, and Mood smiled embarrassed and asked Young Kanchai back in a soft voice, “Is there a program to do? Fear of being unemployed. “

Then the young man joked that in conclusion, Black Ant announced the termination, and Black Ant immediately argued that “Hey, I didn’t stop. I would like to take responsibility for 3 days by terminating the role of the host for 3 days. Ann Chakrapong’s story was aired and the issue arose, the NBTC reprimanded it and Blackm said, “He’s responsible. We are also responsible for the young elder. ”

Angie encouraged that “It’s okay, Mother. Mom came to do news with eggs. “Mood said,” Nah, come to make news with eggs, or do 3 delicious things too, “with a loud laugh.

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