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Björn Grevin was sent home from the hospital in Sweden, later he died of corona

On the evening of March 12, 2020, Swedish Björn Grevin noticed that not everything was as it should be. He had chills and fever. The factory where he worked had had a major corona outbreak, in which six or seven colleagues are said to have been infected.

Three days later, he was diagnosed with corona.

– Dad was so scared to get sick. We talked a lot about it and often checked the numbers on the number of infected in Sweden, says daughter Jessica Grevin (25) to Dagbladet.

He should always have said:

“If I get covid-19, I’ll not survive”

It was Swedish Aftonbladet who first mentioned the case.

Was sent home

Five days later, Björn himself called the ambulance and was sent to the hospital, but only a few hours later he was sent home again.

– Dad was scared, he did not want to go home. It even says in the journal that he had discussed it with them because he was so lax. He had to lie down during the whole transport home, because he was too ill to be able to sit upright.

The daughter says the doctor thought Björn could be infected with pneumonia at the hospital.

– It sounds very strange. Why do you say something like that? Hospitals are there to help people, says the daughter.

Three days later, he called the ambulance again, but was not allowed to join the hospital. The ambulance personnel thought that he did not need to be admitted, according to documents Dagbladet has read.

– Dad was a person who never sought help himself. We always had to ask him to call. So that he himself called the ambulance shows that it was really serious, says Jessica.

– Died alone

There was no third time.

On March 26, Jessica had bought goods for her father and put them outside the door. Due to the infection, she was not allowed to enter the apartment.

– I spoke to him on the phone around 12.30, where he told me that he should get up to pick up the food.

After that, he stopped answering the phone.

Later in the day, she contacted others in the family to find out if anyone had heard from him, the daughter says. No one had heard anything.

Therefore, my aunts went there and then they found him lying alone in the hallway, and the food bag that I had placed outside the door was still there. It must have happened just as he passed away, she says.

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– Gave up

Björn lived alone in his apartment in Tyresö outside Stockholm and because of the corona he had no one to look after him lately.

– That’s what I think is extra stupid. He died all alone and had been lying there dead for several hours before he was found. It’s awful!

The daughter thinks the father was worse than he expressed, but is still sure that he would not have called for help a third time.

– I do not think he could handle more. I think that since he had already tried twice, he gave up when he did not get proper help.

Despite the troubles, Jessica describes her father as always in a good mood.

– He was too kind for his own good, a person you always called if there was something. He was my best friend and I miss him.

SAD: Björn Grevin was the grandfather of little Tage at seven months and often played with him before he became seriously ill.  Photo: Private

SAD: Björn Grevin was the grandfather of little Tage at seven months and often played with him before he became seriously ill. Photo: Private
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Received an answer from the hospital

In 2015, Björn had contacted the health service several times due to breathing problems and coughing, despite the fact that he did not smoke. The doctors suspected allergies and asthma, and he was diagnosed with acute pneumonia twice in three months.

Therefore, there was no doubt that Björn was afflicted with various diseases.

“Trying to lose weight, as the stomach presses on the lungs when he sits”, it is written in the medical record from 2015.

The doctors describe Björn as slightly overweight, but do not write anything about it having been related to the other diseases described in the medical records.

The daughter has on several occasions talked to both doctors and hospitals in connection with her father’s death. She wants answers as to why he did not get better help. Therefore, she has been sent all of the medical records and the assessments made by ambulance personnel and doctors.

– I have not chosen to do an autopsy, but he had corona and all the symptoms that come with that disease, so it says that he has passed away because of it. I do not know if it was a blood clot or if he simply could not breathe, but the doctors I have talked to think it is one of the parts.

Of course he needed help

Dagbladet has tried the hospital for a comment, but they do not want to comment on this individual case, but via daughter Jessica, Dagbladet has been given access to a response from the hospital after a complaint.

She received a written answer from the superior Björn Alsèn, patient manager at Södersjukhuset in Stockholm.

The superior has gone through Björn Grevin’s hospital visit, without finding anything alarming. Neither measurements of blood pressure, oxygen in the blood nor blood tests, should have shown that Björn Grevin’s general condition was so bad that he needed hospitalization.

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Dagbladet has been sent all the documents in the case and the letter states:

– It is difficult to say whether an admission could save your father’s life, but as you describe it, that he could barely walk from the sofa to the toilet, it is clear that he needed help. That the disease had such a great impact on his general condition, I do not think was understood by any of his inquiries to the health service.

The daughter is not satisfied with the answer from the superior and therefore has big plans to complain to the case to the “Inspektionen för Vård och Omsorg (IVO)”, but so far the time has not stretched.

– On Swedish TV, they have a scrolling text that tells me how many have died of corona, but I do not want him to just be one in that amount. He did not deserve to die in this way, she tells Dagbladet.

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