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Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine – Ministry of Health

Who can be vaccinated with the Bivalent vaccine?

Target population (stage 1)

– All clinical/administrative health personnel in intra-hospital/extra-hospital care and open/closed emergency services, which includes: medical and dental services, clinical support services (clinical laboratories -including those that perform SARSCoV-2 detection-, radiology, pharmacy, pathological anatomy services), food, transportation, security, cleanliness.

– Healthcare students in clinical practice (direct patient care).


– Patients on dialysis (hemo or peritoneum)

– Patients with solid organ transplantation; heart, lungs, kidney, liver, pancreas

– Patients with hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

– Patient with cancer undergoing treatment (radiotherapy, chemotherapy or hormonal therapy)

– Patients with autoimmune diseases receiving biological treatments

small molecules, corticosteroids and others such as methotrexate, sulfasalazine, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, cyclophosphamide, tracrolimus, cyclosporine.

People with chronic illnesses

– Chronic lung disease (bronchial asthma, COPD, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary fibrosis of any cause, Tuberculosis under treatment).

– Neurological disease (congenital or acquired neuromuscular, which determine disorders of swallowing or management of respiratory secretions, epilepsy refractory to treatment).

– Chronic kidney disease (renal failure stage 4 or greater).

– Chronic liver disease (cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, liver disease).

– Metabolic diseases (diabetes mellitus, congenital metabolic diseases).

– Cardiopathies (congenital, rheumatic, ischemic and cardiomyopathies of any cause).

– Arterial hypertension in pharmacological treatment.

– Obesity (BMI ≥ 30 in adults and BMI > +2 SD in adolescents).

– Autoimmune disease (lupus, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, and others).

– Cancer being treated with radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormonal therapies or palliative measures of any kind.

– Immunodeficiencies (congenital or acquired, includes transplants and people living with HIV).

– Serious mental illness (schizophrenia and bipolar disorder).

From the week of January 16, 2023, vaccination will be extended to:

– People aged 50 and over

– Target population (Stage 2)

– People with severe and profound disabilities (registered in the national disability registry)

– Caregivers of dependent patients (preferential law)

– Population in closed centers: SENAME or in centers in agreement with this institution and mental health care centers

– Officials who carry out critical functions in the administration of the State: of the 24 ministries, the judiciary, the legislature, regional governments and municipalities

– Personnel who carry out essential functions for direct attention to citizens: FONASA, Isapre, IPS, AFP, Civil Registry, Chile Serves, COMPIN, Banco Estado, Compensation Funds, SAG, Airports, Bus Terminals, Ports and Seremis officials and Health Services

– Personnel who carry out essential functions for direct care to the public in community pharmacies (communal and private)

– Laboratory staff (university and private)

– Personnel from law enforcement and security forces, armed forces

– Personnel who carry out functions in Senapred (Former ONEMI), CONAF and Fire Department

– Kindergarten educators and people who perform functions in nurseries and kindergartens

– Teachers and managers who perform functions in preschool, basic and secondary education establishments

– Gendarmerie personnel and people deprived of liberty

– People who carry out functions considered essential in basic service companies: electricity, water, gas, telecommunications, power generation, fuel distributors, household waste collection, sanitary landfills, chemical and pharmaceutical product manufacturing, funeral homes and cemeteries

– Personnel who work in transport companies: land, air and sea

– People who work in the transport of critical products: food, clinical supplies and medicines

– Other population groups defined by the authorities of the Ministry of Health.

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