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Bitterness between Asen Vassilev, Karimanski, Toma Bikov and Kostadin Kostadinov – Elections

Viewers of the “Panorama” show on BNT witnessed a heated political debate tonight.

The party leader “RebirthVazrazhdane is a political party in Bulgaria, founded in August 2014. Its presidentKostadin KostadinovKostadin KostadinovKostadin Kostadinov was born on April 1, 1979 in the city of Varna. He graduated with a master’s degree in Balkan studies exchanged angry remarks with the co-chair of “Let’s continue the changeLet's continue the changeKiril Petkov and Asen Vassilev presented their political project “Let’s continue the change”Asen VassilevAsen VassilevAsen Vassilev was Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism from 12 March to 29 May 2013. By decree of with regard to gas supplies. Toma BykovToma BykovToma Bikov is a Bulgarian politician, born on 10 October 1980 in Burgas. Finished acting for “poured fuel on the fire” with the claim that a deal had been made to import 30% more expensive Russian gas through intermediaries.

Asen Vasilev (PP): NATO is a shield that guarantees that there will be no war on our territory

The issue of the war in Ukraine has also clashed with the positions of politicians.

“Bulgaria must formulate a position that is wholly Bulgarian. We believe that it must end the war as quickly as possible and ensure the integrity of Ukraine. We cannot have a military conflict that allows a country to be torn apart”, he has declared Asen VassilevAsen VassilevAsen Vassilev was Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism from 12 March to 29 May 2013. By decree of.

Kostadin KostadinovKostadin KostadinovKostadin Kostadinov was born on April 1, 1979 in the city of Varna. He graduated with a master’s degree in Balkan studies said: “We heard Mr. Vassilev that it was wrong to dismember a country, but this happened 20 years ago in neighboring Serbia. Then Bulgaria again” helped “by giving its airspace to NATO planes. Both then and now it proved to be double standards. The best position we have stated is not to export arms to Ukraine, but to raise the issue of the Bulgarian minority in Ukraine, which is very large. There, the Bulgarians disappear every day! There, the Ukrainian authorities apparently eliminate them. Why don “don’t you go there and check ?! Our role was to be a mediator, because both Russia and Ukraine are brother countries for us”.

“NATO is a protected alliance, there is no way to ask Bulgaria to send troops to Ukraine. If we look at all the countries around Russia where there is a war – Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia … all of these countries are not NATO members. In the rest – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia have no wars because NATO is a shield. This guarantees that there will be no war in Bulgaria “, he tried to reply Asen VassilevAsen VassilevAsen Vassilev was Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism from 12 March to 29 May 2013. By decree of.

Karimanski did not hold back: “We have forgotten that peace is not taken for granted and that it must be defended every day. The lessons we never learned in time – that when Merkel embraced Putin we did nothing to be a little bit more cautious in its relations with Russia. Apparently the Russian people are not behind Putin. We must really stand on the side of the Russian people and, if we want them to be independent, we must be on their side, not on the side of a dictator. “

Toma BykovToma BykovToma Bikov is a Bulgarian politician, born on 10 October 1980 in Burgas. Finished acting for was categorical: “In ten days we will not show up at Miss World and fight for world peace, nor will we enter the Russian parliament to fight for the future of the Russian people. 400 km higher, they are currently attacking the nuclear power plant” Zaporozhye “and the risk of being hit is not intimidation at all. Bulgaria had no position on this in recent months and this is due to an artificially assembled coalition that was not prepared with its geopolitical position. I would ask the lady. Ninova, who “favors” the export of arms, as you claim? I also ask: will we have a line or will we stay out of this conflict that will not end tomorrow and is not going well “.

“We have to have non-traditional solutions. One of them is talking to the countries of the Arab world about the exploration of gas fields and the conclusion of contracts with a horizon of 10 years,” Karimanski noted.

Asen VassilevAsen VassilevAsen Vassilev was Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism from 12 March to 29 May 2013. By decree of he defended the position of the government to which he was a part: “Bulgaria is currently getting along without Gazprom. From now on, as a contract, we have 1 billion with Azerbaijan, which we started receiving in full from 1 July. The oil tankers would add another billion and another billion had to be sought from the southern gas corridor – Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, some North African countries such as Egypt.Separately, 20 cubic meters can pass through Bulgaria to central and southeastern Europe. Azerbaijani gas is very cheap. ”

Karimanski interrupts him: “Without long-term contracts, things don’t work. There are several mechanisms.”

Rumen Radev: There is currently no direct military threat to Bulgaria

Kostadin KostadinovKostadin KostadinovKostadin Kostadinov was born on April 1, 1979 in the city of Varna. He graduated with a master’s degree in Balkan studies he said that the inflationary spiral is the result of the worsening of the crisis, in turn “encouraged” by the sanctions against Russia and the criminal actions of the Bulgarian government. “The inflation in our country was caused either because adequate decisions were not made or because decisions were made that exacerbated the crisis. He described the government’s actions as criminal, especially when it comes to gas.”

“Prices are a problem for all Bulgarian citizens. And inflation here is higher because we are poorer. The price we pay for electricity and water is a much larger share of the” basket “, he said. . Asen VassilevAsen VassilevAsen Vassilev was Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism from 12 March to 29 May 2013. By decree of and he added that businesses should be compensated and helped with a social package “to get people through the winter” – raise pensions, the minimum wage, so that people can have higher incomes.

Karimanski interrupted him: “I am surprised how with so much false information, to say the least, there is speculation in your campaign. The first – the money has been distributed to kalpak – both to companies that need it and to companies that don’t. they need it. I need it … What you proposed has nothing to do with income policy. PP has nothing in its income policy program. And where you got 121 votes for lying to people who have you made nursery schools free, for example ?! “.

On the theme of the future of the country Kostadin KostadinovKostadin KostadinovKostadin Kostadinov was born on April 1, 1979 in the city of Varna. He graduated with a master’s degree in Balkan studies he said: “On October 2 we will go to a referendum, not an election – to decide whether to continue being an American colony.”

“Until GERB is clean, until the justice system is clean GERB as a party, we will not cooperate and I urge everyone here to join,” he said proudly. Asen VassilevAsen VassilevAsen Vassilev was Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism from 12 March to 29 May 2013. By decree of.

Toma BykovToma BykovToma Bikov is a Bulgarian politician, born on 10 October 1980 in Burgas. Finished acting for said: “Nobody is talking to you. Thank God you will not have a vote in the next parliament. We should not rule out any option as a form ten days before the election. Because the worst possible option is to go to the elections in March. The first thing is to elect. a government, but the election of a government, as we have seen, does not in itself resolve the political crisis. Because you can make a new political Frankenstein and you go to new extraordinary elections “.

Maya Yordanova


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