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Bitter! Fitness beauty Juta Valdmane is married

“Love is mild, love is kind, love is small,
it doesn’t hurt, it’s not arrogant. He does not behave in a lewd way, he does not seek his own gain,
does not count, does not mention evil. He does not rejoice in injustice, he rejoices
the truth. He covers everything, he believes everything, he hopes everything, he endures everything. Love never ends. Then faith, hope and love remain. but the greatest of them is love. 1 Corinthians 13: 1
#husband and wife“writes Juta on his” Instagram “profile.

Some time ago, visiting the TV channel “STV First!” on the talk show “When They Meet”, she talked about their acquaintance and relationship. It turns out that her ex-husband brought her along with Juri. The two have been following each other on Instagram for several years and also exchanging letters, but they called each other for the first time only after Valdmani’s divorce.

Plus, Juris was the one who asked Juta a question that got her thinking about her previous relationships and life values. She asked such a simple and at the same time essential question: “Yuta, are you happy?”, But she could not answer. “You look at that person and you understand: there is no more love. You can’t even revive him there,” Juta recalls her feelings during the crisis phase of the marriage. She also reveals that the divorce was not initially a mutual desire, it was she who initiated it: “He didn’t want it. It was such a difficult phase for him. But I think I did a great job. He now has a son and a wife. Very quickly it became a couple, as the only advantage is that he and I also have a great relationship. “

Speaking of her new lover, Yuta openly says that he is the kind of man she wanted to see by her side. “For the first time in my life, I clicked with a man. It’s very strange, because before I was married, but first it was built gradually. With him, the first time I called and saw him, I clicked . thought – he is my man, mine “, Juta recalls the meeting of the two.

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