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Robinhood, Smartbroker, eToro and Co .: The best apps to buy Bitcoin or stocks
Private equity without scruples
An estimate by the University of Cambridge states that the world’s bitcoin miners use more energy in one year than the country of Chile. According to NBC News, listed companies are pulling out of climate-damaging industries because they fear public criticism. But that doesn’t help, because private equity firms are available as buyers for the bargains.
When it was taken over, the power plant was only running at a fraction of its capacity. Atlas Holdings not only bought it, but also brought a business model for the gas-fired power plant with it. A model that does not stand alone. Systems are often purchased that are no longer worth converting to meet new environmental standards. Tyson Slocum, director of energy programs at Public Citizen, a not-for-profit consumer protection organization, told NBC, “Private equity firms think they can be squeezed out a few more years of operation.”
Booming industry
The operating company Greenidge pumps 511 million liters of heated cooling water into the lake every day. The NGO Earth Justice claims that carbon dioxide emissions increased almost tenfold from January to December 2020. Because the power plant burns gas to generate the energy for mining. If the boom continues, the Bitcoin power plant will overturn the climate targets for the entire state of New York.
Greenidge plans to significantly enlarge the computer farm, so more electricity would have to be produced. In addition, more power plants are to be purchased so that the Bitcoin mining capacity can be increased from 19 megawatts to up to 500 megawatts in 2025. The operating permit will probably be renewed. Because the power plant is no more harmful to the climate than others, and the licensing authorities do not have to decide on the sense or nonsense of mining.
The US rival China has also recognized the climate effect of mining. Because the KP does not want to let the miners destroy its climate targets, Beijing pulled the plug on the Bitcoin miners. Mining was banned unceremoniously in May. And the ban has been enforced for a few weeks.