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Bitchfight in The Traitors: ‘Only the popcorn was missing’

In the third episode of ‘The Traitors’, tensions run high again at the round table. The discussion even culminates in a vulgar bitch fight between two candidates.

“I don’t feel good about it anymore”

Note: This article contains spoilers about the third episode of The Traitors.

In The Traitors it’s time for the second round table. The moment when someone can be banned. Joep is not there this time, as he has previously been ‘killed’ by traitors Stefano, Jamie and Ortál.

Esmée is the one who is already concerned about her position in the game in advance. “I’m constantly in the danger zone. Because I play very openly.” Steven quickly points out that there was ‘a problem’ between Dionne and Esmée. The latter found the former suspicious and made this known. Dionne asks Esmée why she suddenly found her suspicious. “It’s not all of a sudden. We’ve been here for several days and that results in me having some suspicions.”

Then several people seem to open ‘the attack’ and criticize the way in which Esmée plays the game. Ortál and Robbie, among others, say that they do not know what to do with Esmée. “I have acted in my best interest and fanaticism. I have not been firing,” she replied.

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Then Sylvia intervenes. “Do you know why I think it’s firing?” she begins, in the middle of Esmée’s story. “I’m not bothering you guys. This is the work of the traitors”, Esmée continues. “I think it’s stoking,” Sylvia continues. “I don’t like the feeling of confusion in the group. I’m focused on looking for a traitor and there’s too much confusion because of you.” Then the atmosphere gets a bit grim.

“I don’t feel good about it anymore. I don’t trust her,” says Sylvia. “But you haven’t even spoken to me for a minute”, Esmee responds. Meanwhile, traitor Ortál feasts on the ‘bitchfight‘ between Sylvia and Esmee. “I’m only missing the popcorn.”

thumbnail preview

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In the end it is Steven who mentions Aran’s name, who then slips up. “I really want to catch the faithful… the traitors.” The rest immediately think that Aran is a traitor. “This must be him, he’s slipping,” says Frank. During the voting round it soon becomes clear that an overwhelming majority votes for Aran. “I can’t believe it,” he says in complete amazement. “The traitors are really, really good at the game.”

When Aran reveals that he is a faithful, the atmosphere in the room is immediately depressed again. “I knew! He’s the sweetest and cutest of all,” Sylvia shouts. “My heart is sinking,” Steven says. Meanwhile, the traitors enjoy the success. “We’re doing so well.”

The Traitors see you every Friday at 8 p.m. on RTL 4. Missed an episode? You can look back here.

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