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Bitch almost dies of neglect in New York: New home with the fire department

Happy ending in New York: bitch almost dies of neglect – fire department gives her loving home

In New York, an animal welfare organization rescues the dog Ashley from a dilapidated house, her condition is critical. But a little later she finds a new home – a fire station takes the dog in.

Pit bull lady Ashley was found in an abandoned house in New York about four years ago. The bitch was in an extremely bad condition, emaciated, already close to death. The owners had left her in a dilapidated house with no electricity or water, reports RTL.

But Ashley was discovered just in time and fought her way back into life. Vets took care of her and she was able to recover from her terrible fate. The animal welfare organization “No More Pain Rescue” then took care of the bitch.

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When Ashley was ready to leave the organization, co-founder Erica Mahnken went looking for a new home. First, she was able to find an interim solution with a firefighter friend at a New York fire station. But just three days later, she got a surprising call, according to RTL.

Bitch finds new home with the fire department

The firefighters asked if they could adopt Ashley. Erica Mahnken recalls in an interview with the news channel CBS: “Of course I said yes, my heart almost exploded with joy.” So Ashley was an integral part of the fire station.

Not only the animal rights activist is happy, also Ashley, or called “Ash” by her new family, you can tell the joy about her safe home. Even the internet celebrates the bitch’s incredible story. The firefighters share insights into the everyday life of the fire brigade dog on the Instagram account @probyash – around 38,000 users are watching and are enthusiastic. A truly happy ending for Ashley.

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