Bishop of the Armenian Church in Germany draws attention to the catastrophic situation
Since December 2022, around 120,000 Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh region have been almost completely cut off from the outside world due to the closed Lachin Corridor, the only connecting road between Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Bishop Serovpé lsakhanyan, head of the diocese of the Armenian Church in Germany, wrote to the Württemberg regional church to draw attention to the plight of the people in Nagorno-Karabakh and at the same time asked for support to alleviate the plight through prayer, intercession and intercession.
Bishop Lsakhanyan writes: “Every day brings us tidings of immeasurable suffering: the sick desperate for treatment, pregnant women unable to find enough food for their unborn children, newborns unable to overcome the lack of baby food and medicine. Our hearts bleed at this tragedy and our concern for the fate of these people and for the fragile stability of the region is immense […] We ask that you include the people of Nagorno-Karabakh in your prayers and intercessions, give them a voice and draw attention to the urgent humanitarian crisis.”
Below you will find a prayer draft by Church Councilor Dr. Christine Keim, Head of the Department for Mission, Ecumenism and Development in the Evangelical Church Council:
Church Councilor Dr. Christine germImage: private
Lord our God
we complain to you about the suffering of the people in Nagorno-Karabakh.
They feel forgotten by the world and suffer from food shortages, hunger, a lack of medical care and growing hopelessness.
We ask you: Be close to them with your comfort and blessings – in the midst of all suffering.
Give those responsible the insight that they will normalize their relations again in the future and will not abuse humanitarian aid for political purposes.
Give signs of hope and consolation, O God of peace
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2023-08-27 22:50:41
#Intercession #people #NagornoKarabakh