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Birgit Kelle wins against Facebook in court

Facebook received an injunction from the Krefeld district court on Wednesday and now has to restore a Kelles posting from March 15. The court was of the opinion that she could express her opinion, shared the journalist with the comment “Mark Zuckerberg go home“On Facebook with.

In a posting on March 15, 2021, Kelle wrote: “Sinti * zze and Rom * nja – from there I’ll just get out. I don’t think anything discriminates more than this stupid spelling, with which probably not a single Sinti and Roma identifies. We could just speak German. “She herself comes from Romania, according to Kelle,” there Gypsies are part of the street scene, and they were called that because they called themselves that. “

The reason for the Facebook entry was an article by the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency by Gianni Jovanovic, who has been campaigning for the rights of Roma and Sinti for years.

more on the subject

»Kelle successfully defends himself against Facebook blocking

»After deletion: Podcast episode with Birgit Kelle available again

»Spotify deletes the podcast episode with Birgit Kelle

For many years, Kelle has been protesting against gendered, gender-equitable and non-discriminatory language under the heading “Gendergaga”. “It’s still allowed in this country,” wrote Kelle.

She thanked the lawyer Joachim Nikolaus Steinhöfel and the fund of “Freedom of Opinion in the Net”, which had donated money to deal with the case. “We are all waiting eagerly to see how long it will take Facebook to undo the deletion,” said Kelle.

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