About 80,000 broilers on a farm in the Frisian village of Blija are culled because they were diagnosed with bird flu there.
The Dutch Food and Consumer Safety Authority (NVWA) reports that this poultry farm in Blija was also culled in January of this year due to a bird flu infection. Then 220,000 chicks were killed.
There is another poultry farm within a 1 kilometer zone. It is currently empty due to a previous bird flu infection in early September.
Within 3 kilometers there are three other poultry farms. These companies are under scrutiny for bird flu.
Another nine poultry farms are located in an area of 10 kilometers. A transport ban applies immediately in this area.
Hundreds of millions of chickens are slaughtered every year in the Netherlands, mainly broilers. On average, there are about one and a half million of them a day.