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Biostimulant line launched to improve crop fertilization

Soil erosion and loss of fertility remains one of the main challenges for agriculture in Colombia. Despite progress in reducing deforestation, which reached 1000,000 hectares, a historic low of 79,256 hectares in 2023soil degradation persists, affecting the country’s productive capacity and food security.

After several years of research and development, Yara launched its new line of biostimulants, YaraAmplix, with which it seeks Increase efficiency during fertilization processes. In this regard, Andrés Useche, director of the Andean Region of Yaradescribed this solution as vital for regenerative agriculture and a resilient food system.

“The development of YaraAmplix Optitrac is part of Yara’s ongoing ambition to cultivate a nature-positive food future, which shows that transforming agriculture is at the heart of what we do. After years of production that has pushed the boundaries of the planet we must move towards better solutions for meeting global food demand on a planet with increasingly limited resources,” he said.

Plant biostimulants are products that contain substances and/or microorganisms designed to enhance and strengthen the natural processes of plants and the rhizosphere, the soil zone surrounding the roots, which is key to plant health and growth. These products focus on improving plant tolerance to abiotic stress, increasing nutrient absorption and efficiency, and optimizing crop yield and quality. (Read in CONtexto Ganadero: Yara launches crop diagnostic and monitoring service in Colombia)

In addition, they are distinguished by being robust, resilient and adaptable, as they contribute to have more vigorous and healthy plantsimprove plant tolerance to different types of abiotic stress such as extreme temperatures as a result of climate change and easily adapt crops throughout the entire agricultural cycle, providing better performance and, therefore, keeping the producer’s business profitable and sustainable.

The benefits

According to Useche, “integrating bioactives into agricultural practices means contributing to a a more sustainable, resilient and productive future for agriculture, since through the use of this new family of products a significant increase in crop yield has been observed. It is important to highlight that these products complement foliar and soil fertilization, helping to close the gap with genetic potential.”

The product works with nature through five thematic axes that Yara has defined as fundamental to regenerative agriculture:

Reduce the impact of climate change. Adapting practices to changing climatic conditions increases tolerance to abiotic stress, which translates into better yields.

Efficient use of resources. Increases the efficiency of nutrient use, reducing nutrient losses to the environment and optimizing the use of fertilizers, as well as the efficient use of water. (Read in CONtexto ganadero: Nutrients to revitalize your garden)

Improves soil health. Improves soil health and fertility, positively impacting soil restoration.

Improving biodiversity. Improves biological diversity in the soil by creating favorable conditions for microorganisms, enhancing microbial activity.

Prosperity for farmers. Improves crop quality, contributing to more vigorous and healthier plants, leading to less food loss and better yield quality and quantity.

YaraAmplix Optitrac es Recommended for all cropsIt is the first of its kind in Yara Colombia’s portfolio and is part of the range of products with which the company seeks to promote regenerative agriculture practices in the national territory, reinforcing its commitment to transforming agricultural processes into more sustainable ones.

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