The Bioshock franchise marked a before and after in narrative games during the Xbox 360 and PS3 generation. Developed by the now defunct Irrational Games, at that time known as 2K Boston, and directed by Ken Levine (except for the second installment, which was developed by 2K Marine), they created some stories with a dense plot and with an outstanding level, connected in a masterly way between the three installments, along with some iconic locations and characters within the video game industry (who does not remember the entrance to Rapture for the first time, or Elizabeth and her thimble). Now, knowing that a fourth installment is in development, an insider claims that Bioshock 4 might not make it to Xbox consoles, due to an exclusivity.
These statements come from Nick Baker, in his podcast of Xbox Era, where it ensures that the next installment of the franchise could exclusively (temporarily or not) reach Sony consoles, although we will have to wait for official confirmations from 2K or Sony. To listen to Baker’s statements, we leave you the Xbox Era podcast (minute 1:00:40):
Bioshock 4 might not make it to Xbox consoles
New details of Bioshock 4 emerge through a job offer
Remember that the first Bioshock was released exclusively for Xbox 360 and PC, so it may be that Sony wants to repeat the situation, but now in favor of PlayStation. We can only wait, and it will be seen how all this ends.