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Biological Preservation Through the Fermentation Process

Illustration of biological preservation. Photo: Ist/Net

Biological preservation is actually through the fermentation process. Preservation of food is one way to make food have a long shelf life. In addition, it maintains the physical and chemical properties of food.

To do food preservation must pay attention to several things. Pay attention to the type of food ingredients, the condition of the food ingredients, and the method of preservation used. Even regarding the appeal of food preservation products.

Getting to Know Biological Preservation

This preservation uses fermentation or fermentation. Fermentation is the process of producing energy in cells under anaerobic conditions or without oxygen. Launch Wikipedia, fermentation as a form of anaerobic respiration.

However, there is a more detailed definition of fermentation. It is called anaerobic respiration in the absence of an external electron acceptor. Sugar is a common ingredient in fermentation.

Fermentation produces several examples, namely ethanol, lactic acid, and hydrogen. But it also produces several other components such as butyric acid and acetone.

Yeast is also known as a common ingredient in fermentation. To be able to produce ethanol which is found in beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages. Types of food with fermented preservation such as yogurt.

To be able to preserve milk by fermentation using bacteria. The bacteria used were Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. The fermentation activity of the two bacterial species is useful in lowering the pH of cow’s milk.

So that it can inhibit the activity of proteolytic bacteria which are not acidic. Lactobacillus bulgaricus will utilize lactose or milk sugar and secrete lactic acid.

This acid is also useful in preserving milk and degrading lactose or milk sugar. The fermentation process that produces lactic acid will inhibit the growth of molds and yeasts.

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Fermentation Process

Biological preservation by fermentation, the process changes from carbohydrates to alcohol. Several substances certainly play a role in this fermentation process, such as the enzymes derived from the yeast cells. Regarding the length of the food fermentation process, it depends on the food ingredients.

To speed up the process of fermentation or fermentation by adding other enzymes. It is a biological catalyst that comes from living cells. Of course it will help speed up various kinds of biochemical reactions.

Enzymes found in foods originate from raw materials or microorganisms. Meat, fish, milk, fruits, and grains contain certain enzymes. These enzymes normally actively work on these foods.

Biological preservation with enzymes that play a role in changes in food ingredients. The changes will be beneficial, but sometimes they can also be detrimental. This is due to the influence of enzymes that can change the taste, color, shape, calories, and other properties.

The use of enzymes in meat processing such as bromelain enzymes. The enzyme comes from pineapple. While the papain enzyme comes from the sap of the fruit or papaya leaves.

This bromelain enzyme has a function to tenderize meat. It is also influenced by fruit maturity, concentration of use, and time of use. To get maximum results, you should choose a young pineapple.

Papain enzyme from papaya latex has many functions. It not only tenderizes meat, but also acts as a purifier in several industries. To get this enzyme, you should choose fruit that is 2.5 to 3 months old.

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Benefits of Biological Preservation

Biological preservation also provides several benefits. For that, know some of the benefits of biological food preservation below.

If you preserve food, you can consume it or sell it to a more distant place, of course without reducing the quality of the food. So the benefits of this preservation can expand its marketing.

Facilitate transportation in Indonesia, which has a tropical climate, when food spoils easily. Preservation will maintain or process it in other ways. So you can buy it easily and not dangerous. It can even save more on transportation costs.

Some foods that have been preserved are easier to serve. That’s because the unnecessary parts have been wasted. So for the pattern of people’s lives that are advanced, the problem of time constraints is easy to overcome.

Has many benefits under certain conditions. Such is the case when there is a natural disaster, famine, evacuation, and other emergency conditions. It can certainly provide assistance with some types of preserved foods.

Biological preservation using the fermentation process. So that it makes a long shelf life and maintains the properties of the food. (R10/HR Online)

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