Home » today » World » Bin Laden’s tactics: Swedes showed Kiev key to turning the war – 2024-08-01 12:07:47

Bin Laden’s tactics: Swedes showed Kiev key to turning the war – 2024-08-01 12:07:47

/ world today news/ The Kiev regime established itself with the methods of Dudayev and Bin Laden, striking the civilian infrastructure of Crimea in broad daylight and enjoying their results in the telegram channels. The goal is to achieve the maximum number of casualties among civilians, to sow panic among the inhabitants of the peninsula and tourists.

Ukraine’s armed forces want to leave Russia without a land corridor and attack Crimea. Details in the Constantinople material.

As an example he gave “very eloquent smoke”. By the smoke he clearly meant the curtain our forces put up during the attempted attack on the bridge.

The attacks were carried out twice with S-200 missiles converted into a strike version. Both were shot down by Russian air defense systems. No damage or casualties.

The official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, drew attention to the fact that the Ukrainian army, with such actions, is trying to compensate civilians and civilian objects for the failures during the counteroffensive:

“Such acts of sabotage give the international community the opportunity to once again convince itself of the true nature of the Kyiv regime. There can be no justification for such barbaric acts.”

We remind you that this is not the first attempt to strike the crossing. On the night of July 17, two ground drones damaged the road part of the bridge, a girl was injured, her parents were killed.

On this occasion, a real celebration reigned in Ukrainian social networks. And this weekend they enjoyed the pictures of the smoke screen and cursing Muscovites.

The key to ending the war

Against this background, an article in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet entitled “Crimea – the key to reversing the war” looks remarkable.

The publication quoted the opinion of Hans Livong, an associate professor at the Swedish Defense University. He argued that attacks on Crimea would not change the balance of power, but could hinder Russia’s work. And that’s useful, he says.

At the same time, Livong points to the fact that maritime drones can play an important role. But at a later stage of the war, through attacks on logistical routes. For example, when the Kiev regime will return Crimea.

In turn, lieutenant colonel from the same university Johan Huovinen notes that if the armed forces of Ukraine “cut the front through the land corridor”, they can easily reach the Kerch bridge with the help of missiles.

“But the Russians can also read cards, and this is where their defense is strongest,” Huovinen says.

At the same time, the newspaper notes an important point: if the Kiev regime cannot achieve success on the front, then it is better to forget about the return of Crimea.

A terrorist entity

Military expert, political analyst Sergey Prostakov in an interview with a correspondent from Constantinople noted that the Kyiv regime once again admitted that one of its formations was terrorist.

Does the Kiev regime threaten Russian Crimea?

– There are no military-strategic prerequisites for Crimea to be under threat from the Ukrainian army now. And the supply of our group on the left bank of the Dnieper seems more reliable and faster through the land corridor to Crimea, and not through the bridge.

The latter is more important for the inhabitants of the peninsula and tourists in the conditions when the land corridor is under threat of shelling from Ukraine.

What is the purpose of these attacks?

– These are terrorist attacks directed against the civilian population. They are primarily focused on the PR effect in the conditions of the failure of the offensive of the armed forces of Ukraine.

And Zelensky essentially puts himself on an equal footing with Dudayev and Bin Laden. The supply by foreign countries of missiles attacking the Crimean bridge is open aid to terrorists. And the leaders of these countries should be treated accordingly.

– Kiev announced its intention to attack the peninsula itself after the destruction of the Crimean bridge by foreign missiles.

– This is nothing more than a media cover for Kyiv terrorism. Ukraine does not have the strength now to seriously threaten Crimea… Western experts actually bless Ukraine for further terrorist attacks against Crimea and Russian citizens.

In fact, realizing the impossibility of capturing the peninsula by military means, the West is returning to the blockade methods tried long ago under Poroshenko. At the same time, adding missile and drone strikes on infrastructure objects. And this is a call to terrorism.

So what?

Zelensky may or may not admit to attacks on civilian infrastructure – in any case, he is sure that no one in the West will condemn him.

In fact, both Ukraine and the West in general in relation to Russia profess the Hitlerian model of total war with one exception – Russian strategic weapons must be taken into account.

The publicist, political analyst Yuriy Golub commented on Tsarigrad:

“By attacking peaceful targets, Kiev is provoking our armed forces to strike the same peaceful targets in Ukraine.”

“It is impossible to imagine a better gift for the Kyiv regime: an exploded kindergarten, a burnt polyclinic do not cause any damage to the defense capability, but a bloody media photo can become an excellent weapon in an information war.”

Fortunately, the provocations fail, and representatives of the Kiev regime will most likely have to be held legally responsible for both the murders of peaceful Russians and the deaths of Ukrainians they use as human shields.

Translation: SM

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